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Awaken to the sound of a very annoying alarm, I slowly get up from my bed to shut off the ongoing infuriating sound and make my way to the shower. I throw on a off the shoulder shirt with a pair of jeans and finish it off with some comfy slip on shoes. I quickly blow dry my short brown hair and straighten it before I apply some light makeup to highlight my hazel green eyes. Quickly grabbing my purse and book bag before walking out into the living room where my bestie and roommate is eating breakfast

" Good morning Blanie bear. " I say teasing her knowing she hates being called that.

" Em. " She simply states with a small smile.

" Are you almost ready to go? I have to be there early, Harry Styles will be coming in to my class to give us a lecture apparently. He's going to choose someone in the class to shadow him for a day. " Blaine looking at me in pure excitement the moment I mention his name.

" You're literally so lucky, I just might switch my major just to be able to see that fine piece of ass in person. Pictures just aren't enough! " I roll my eyes at her words and give a small laugh.

"Come on Blaine, I might sneak you in if you don't make me too late. " I say pulling her out of the house and into the car. We carpool everyday to class, luckily we've managed to always keep our schedules close enough together so we can arrive and leave together. I give her a quick smile before walking into my class where my professor is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Mr. Styles.

" Good morning everyone! As I stated at our last meeting we would be having a very important speaker today, at the end someone will be selected to take a trip with Mr. Styles to learn some very important business tips. I'll pass a jar around so everyone can put their name in. " My professor exclaims with enthusiasm.

I quickly shuffle into my seat, not to disturb my professor. As i'm handed the jar I fold my piece of paper into a small square and drop it in, handing it off to the next person.

I tend to be quite shy when it comes to any type of attention on myself. I absolutely hate presentations, I hate getting randomly called on in class, and most of all I genuinely dislike feeling everyones pulsing eyes lay on me.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a group of girls near the front of the room, squealing every chance they get about the entire idea of Harry Styles coming here. I'm definitely interested in this trip but for all the reasons everyone should be. I'm not interested in getting to spend a day drooling over Harry, I want the chance to further educate myself about business. After all this is my final semester until i'm set off into that scary place called the world.

As i'm deep in thought thinking of the annoying chatter in front of me a large figure walks into the room. I look up to find a very clean man standing before the class.

"Hello everyone, it's very nice to have the opportunity to speak and share with you today. As many of you know I will be selecting one of you to shadow me at the end of class. " He says in a deep english accent. He's dressed in a black suit with a black and white floral dress shirt, a pair of black shiny dress shoes to match, a large and expensive looking watch placed on his left wrist.

My thoughts are soon interrupted when my phone begins to go off.

" I-I'm so sorry. " I exclaim, rushing to turn off my loud and intruding phone. God could this start off any worse?

I look up to meet his gaze, his green eyes pierce right through me as my cheeks are glowing bright red. I could definitely get lost in his eyes if this wasn't such an awful and awkward time to have this happen. The appeal was definitely there, his tone and demeanor just seem off. Lord, now I sound like the rest of the girls here.

A sly smirk spreads across his face, but not one that seems gentle and kind, this seems different? His skin is glowing and his hair is in messy yet clean curls across his head.

" What's your name. " he asks with an intimidating look on his face, while his eyes never leave mine. It takes me a minute to compose myself as if something had taken over me.

" Emaline. " I simply state in almost a whisper, still completely in awe of the beautiful and frightening man in front of me.

He gives a small nod, eyes not leaving mine once as he continues his lecture. There was something about him that made me uneasy with the way he speaks, but looking at him is a different story. He seems so serious and determined, but determined for what?

As time seems to progress, Harry and I make eye contact quite often. Each time i try to evert it by pretending to take notes or catching up on other homework from other classes. I've never felt so intimidated by someone.

" As it seems we are running out of time, i'd again like to thank everyone for your patience and kindness for listening and asking very detailed questions. " He states with his same serious look. He runs his hands through his hair, pushing back a single curl that falls in his face.

" I'm going to go ahead and pull a name out of the jar for the winning spot, if your name is called please come see me after class ends. " Harry shakes the jar a bit before reaching in to pull out a name. I hoped in some way it would be me, but in others it wouldn't.

He slowly unfolds the paper and a cunning smile appears across his plump lips. Our eyes meet almost the instant he looks up. " Oh my god ", I think to myself. I watch as his lips slowly part to announce the name written on the wrinkled paper.

" Emaline Clouds. "


So, there it is everyone! The first chapter is complete!*yay* At some point I hope to become a better writer and definitely fix the chapters that need to be fixed. I know how I want this story to go but some of the filler parts are a bit hard to come up with right now. I definitely want this story to become my baby and something i'm proud of.

I'm hoping to get positive feedback so I can continue to write and improve this story, thank you to everyone in advance for the support 💛Also if you choose to comment, please be kind. (I love to see funny ones, please make my day lmao)

Don't forget to follow me on social media if you'd like 🥺💛

Instagram: Le_MewsMews

Twitter: PeachyAlyse

Snapchat: brealysee


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