Chapter 32

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Alex's PoV

Holy shit. Holy shit. This is happening. Stay calm. I think frantically to myself, smoothing out the creases in my jacket. I refused to get dressed up, so I'm wearing my uniform. "Alexander, you look fine. Stop worrying." Dad hisses. I shake my head, not able to speak. He sighs. "Come on. You have to go now. He's waiting for you." Hyperventilating a little, I latch onto Dad's arm with a death grip. Because this is still illegal, since we're still technically under Britain's rule, we're doing this in the middle of the woods. And John convinced Maria to officiate for us. It's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay. I think as I stumble along beside Dad, half convinced this is a dream. John waits for me a few yards ahead of me, a smile practically ripping his face in half. Dad sniffles a little and wipes his eyes, backing up a few steps.

"Okay, I'm not reading all this bullshit." Maria says after a short moment. "So I'll improvise." I smile at John, hardly daring to believe the thought I had while I was drunk is actually happening. "Alexander Washington-Hamilton, do you take John Laurens to be your husband?"

"I do." I say firmly, my eyes on John's.

"And do you, John Laurens, take Alexander Washington-Hamilton to be your husband?"

"I do." He says, his eyes glittering.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss the groom!" She cries. Me and John meet at the same time, our lips smashing together with all the love and passion in the world. Dad and Maria both clap and cheer for us. I hug John tightly, crying tears of happiness. He wraps his arms around me.

"John Washington-Hamilton. I like the sound of that." He whispers. "Hey. I have a gift for you." He beckons Maria and I wipe my eyes. She grabs a wrapped package and hands it to John, who hands it to me. I take it, sniffling, and tear the paper off. He smiles as my jaw drops.

"Holy shit John." I breathe, staring at the beautiful sword. "It's beautiful." I carefully pick it up and slide it into its scabbard. Then I pick it up and tie it around my waist. "How do I look?" I ask John.

"Rather dashing." He says. I smile and he hugs me. "I'm going to go home, I'll be back in a few hours." He pecks my cheek.

"Do you have to go now?" I ask. "Can't you stay for a little while?" He shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, my love. But I'll be back tonight, okay? I love you. I'll come right back, I promise 'Xander." He says. He turns and leaves. I won't lie, I'm a little mad. But I know he'll be back. He said he would, I believe him.


Like he said, he came back tonight. "Alexander! I'm home!" He calls, walking into my house and closing the door behind him. I jump to my feet, almost fall, and run out of my room to catch him in a hug. He yells in surprise as I crash into him. I giggle and hold him tightly.

"I missed you." I say. "You were gone too long."

"I know." He says. "But I'm here, and guess what? I'm not going back. Not ever. My place is with you, Alexander." I grin.

"You're serious."

"Dead serious." I squeal in excitement. "I wrote a letter to my father in a way he'll understand, and I brought my necessities." He lifts up a bag and shakes it a little.

"And me!" A female voice chirps.

"Maria! Good to see you!" I give her a quick hug. "Thank you. For everything." I say earnestly. She smiles and pats my shoulder. "Okay, come on John. I'll get you set up in my room." We walk into my room together.

"I have something else for you. I know you don't like flashy stuff, so I got us these." He holds his hand out and a pair of matching rings sit in them. Plain silver, no engravings, the kind of thing I might wear. I pick one up and slip in onto my ring finger on my left hand. It fits perfectly.

"John..." I trail off, not knowing what to say. He smiles and puts his on.

"You need to sleep tonight, okay love?" He says. "Come on, get changed." He opens his bag and pulls out a change of clothes. "I'll get dressed in the bathroom." I change into some different clothes, deciding that I don't feel like arguing with my husband. Husband. Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine. I lay down on my bed and put my hands under my head, waiting for John to come back in. He comes back in about five minutes later and lays next to me, acting a little nervous.

"What?" I ask.


"Why are you acting nervous?" I ask, flipping onto my side.

"Oh, umm." His face turns a little red. "Y-Your dad gave me 'the talk'." I burst out laughing.

"Dad! Leave us alone!" I scream. "We're not doing anything, and we don't plan on doing anything!" John starts laughing too. We stop laughing after a few minutes and I cuddle up to him. He wraps an arm around me.

"Go to sleep 'Xander." He murmurs. I whine in complaint, but close my eyes, even though I know I won't sleep. "I love you."

"I love you too."

One more chapter, published tomorrow

-Bottomless Pit

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