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Groggy and disheveled the three of us enter the living room of our summer estate. Although smaller and... more homey... than the rest of my father's secondary homes, this one held a special place in my heart. This was the first house my father bought for our small family, before he had all of the money he does now.

We exhaustedly drop our suitcases and bags onto the floor and couch before we trudge deeper into the home. My feet drag against the floor as I try to pull myself around to observe the small abode. The living room and open kitchen layout made the small area look the slightest bit bigger but to what I was used to... this was tiny.

Look at me sounding like a rich brat.. boo hoo the living space is kinda small, so what.

Ahem, moving on. There were two hallways on either side of the kitchen and two doors on either side of the living room. The door in the living room on the left would be my dad's and moving into the last hallway, the first door would be the bedroom Jungkook and I would share.

The right side of the left hallway also had one door, that lead to a bathroom... that also had a second door.

I spoke up about the doors on the right half of the home but my father only said that we were, under no circumstances, to enter those rooms unless given permission.

"That's kind of suspicious, isn't it?" Jungkook jokes aloud, my father and I laugh lightheartedly before he speaks up.

"No son," my crusty old man begins, "Those doors lead to the neighbors rooms."

I snort, surpressig another laugh, "Why would we have doors leading to the neighbors house?"

"Yerin........" my father trails off, "You don't remember?"

My eyebrows furrow together in confusion and concern, "....remember what?"

Jungkook pushes his lips together into a thin line and comfortingly puts his hand on my back. He knew this wasn't a matter he should get involved in but he wanted to show me that he was there for me either way.

"We share this house, Yerin."

I can't help but to audibly gasp in surprise at the sudden burst off memories that came to me.. we did share this house!

I underestimated how broke we really were back then damn. But I remember now, we shared this house with two other people and the right side belonged to them.

I smack my forehead with my own palm and my father laughs at my immaturity and swats us away with a final goodnight, picking up his bags and entering his room.

I look up into Jungkook's doe eyes and he merely gives me the smallest smile. I shake my head at his innocent air and smile back, earning a teeny tiny kiss on the forehead from my now boyfriend.


Never in a million years I'd imagine that Jungkook would actually be my boyfriend but here we were.

I take a sharp inhale before addressing him in the silence, "Let's get our things in our room."

He merely nods and picks up our bags, helping me with my own as well and soon, we get acquainted with our small room, which of course had two queen sized beds that took up more than most of the room. There was only about two feet of wiggle room between the beds and just enough room to get back out. I excuse myself, pajamas in hand to the bathroom, were I dress in record time, eager to go to bed.

But, deciding that I inevitably needed to drink some water after our draining flight, I head to the kitchen and open the fridge for a nice cool bottle of water for my dehydrated body.

"Who the fuck are you?"

The bottled water slips from my fingertips and roles over to the darkened figure. I stand there, mouth agape unable to comprehend what was going on.

The masculine figure stands proudly shirtless in the darkness of the kitchen, his only features being those of which were illuminated by the fridge light. "Your neighbor?" I peep in a questionable tone.

There's a moment of silence between us before the man's figure visibly stiffens in his place.

.... "Yerin?"

The gears click in my head. "Jimin?!"


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