The Rose

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Magnus Pov: I was super giddy and my stomach was filled with butterflies.I didnt know if i would get caught or not.I was walking over to alex's room With a Rose.I Knew that it was her favorite.It was a bright and loud Pink and it was really Fresh too.I hoped she liked it.I Set it down where she would see it but wouldnt step on it either.I ran away Quickly As I heard footsteps approaching.I Heard Alex's Voice go"Oh? whats that?" Then her sighing and saying"Oh.Its so pretty..." I smiled to myself as i Dared to peek around the corner and i saw her put it in her hair.She looked really pretty too.I felt my stomach do a flip.I let out a small Choked sound that caught alex's attention.I quickly Moved out of sight and Hear Alex say"Whos there? I swear to gods magnus if thats you ill kill you for scaring me!" I Honestly Was terrified when i heard her say my name.I thought she had found out it was me who gave her the rose.I quickly ran away to my room completely flustered and As soon as i entered i flopped down face first onto my bed.I groaned and said into the covers"Ughhhh that was close" then I just lay there for a while

Alex Pov: Alright i Admit i wasnt going to KILL magnus....Not yet at least.But Seriously he knew better than to scare me.The rose was beautiful though.I wondered who gave it to me. I smiled as i Sat down on my couch and leaned back a bit with a book and started reading.But my mind kept wandering to figure out who gave me the rose.Hmm Maybe Tj gave it to me? Nah.He wasnt the type to give a flower to someone. Hmm nobody on floor 19 thats for sure.Only person who i would suspect was probably magnus.I felt my face heat up just at the thought of his name.I cursed myself silently and muttered"My gods that boy would be dead by tommorow.Stop making me feel this way" I let the book lay open on my face and just closed my eyes resting.(hahahaha totally not something ive done for years and years)I must have fallen asleep because when i opened my eyes the book wasnt on my face and magnus was peering over me.I jolted up and said"MAGNUS!! WHAT THE HELHEIM??!?!??!"

Magnus pov: It probably wasnt the WISEST decision And now Alex was letting loose a string of curses so foul i feel like even thor wouldnt be able to compete with her in a flyting. Honestly her Tanned skin was tinged slightly red on her cheeks and her eyes glinted mischeviously with the slightest hint of a smile as she berated me.Honestly it was probably my Imagination but really even when she was angry she looked adorable. Then she finally calmed down and said"Maggie what in helheim were you doing?" i responded to her question with"Its dinnertime.sam sent me to get you" Alex nodded and sat normally on the couch as she got up.She turned to me and said"Alright then you can go then ill be right there."I nodded and walked out of the room heading to the dining hall and prayed to the gods that i would be able to eat my dinner without taking an axe to the face.

Alex Pov: I fixed up my hair and straightened out my clothes.And Smiled as i remembered the rose tucked behind my ear.I adjusted it a bit to look nice and then smiled as i walked out.Whoever gave me that rose is going to be thanked because honestly anyone else would have just gotten some random rose and handed it to me.This Rose was Bright pink and it looked freshly picked.So whoever gave me it has my full respect.As i walked to the dining hall i saw magnus and everyone else talking.Magnus seemed really embarassed and honestly it was kind of funny.I stifled a giggle and sat down near them.I heard them talking in hushed voices and i shook my head.Sam smiled at me and said"Nice rose you got there sister" I laughed and rolled my eyes"Thanks for the compliment.honestly whoever gave me this rose i wanna kiss them" i gave a pointed look at magnus and saw a slight tinge of pink crawl up his cheeks as tj and half-born snickered.I rolled my eyes and said"Kidding.but it is a really nice rose though," Sam nudged magnus and magnus just glared.I Smirked a bit and said"And honestly whoever this admirer is i would surely want to meet them after dinner"

(these are gonna be kinda short but like hey whats a fic without short chapters? also i had a little burst of inspo but ill still add on to this chapter maybe....Idk but hey if you want me to make a oneshot series i can so just ask! Also you can find me on Look up gender-queer and here and youll find another version of this story and also a blitzstone story and solangelo story so hope you enjoy sorry for the long a/n)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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