****NOTE: I do NOT own any characters associated with My Little Pony or Hasbro or TheInvertedShadow or Garry's Mod. This story is made out of pure boredom and fun!!!!***
The pictures above are their cutie marks in order of list
MAIN SIX(Main Character) Fluttershout (element unknown): a pale yellow Pegasus with red from hair and a white tail, she has red and blue eyes. Her power is super screaming and her reed eye lights up as she screams. She derives fromFluttershy, element of kindness. Her biggest weakness is that she is still loyal to her friends but still ruthless to others none the less. With this in mind she doesn't mind hanging over their heads her deadly scream. The monster inside her is GAYPENIS, (no it's is suppose to be all caps).
Brutalight Sparcake (element unknown): a deep purple alicorn with almost pure black purple with deep magenta and deep purple hair. She is the leader of the "pony freaks". Unlike the others she has two monsters in her and has a godly amount of power. She derives from Twilight Sparkle, former princess of magic. Her, possibly, only known weakness is her ability to under estimate her enemies, ex: meeting AssSpike. The monsters inside her are Christian Brutal Sniper and Weasalcake.
Rarifruit (element of greed): a pure white unicorn with pink and purple hair. Kinda like ApplePills attraction to pills, she is attracted to hats. She derives from Rarity, element of generosity. Rarifruit is very greedy and with the bracket around her front hoof, her magic has greatly increased. Her weakness is the ability to attract her attention to shinny objects. The monster inside her is rubberfruit. On a special note, Pinkus Cupcake is her daughter as well as her friend.
Rainbine (element unknown): a dark cyan Pegasus with rainbow hair and two earpieces. She is able to make cation parts of her body into guns. She derives from Rainbow Dash, element of loyalty. Her biggest weakness is her cockyness along with the fact she can be scrambled like a computer. Her monster inside her is Scombine.
Pinkus Cupcake (element of bloodlust): a dull pink mare with dark pink and flat hair. With enchanted speed she is able to gobble up people very quickly. She derives from Pinkie Pie, element of laughter. Her biggest weakness is her hunger for flesh that can draw her attention away. The monster inside her is Painis Cupcake. On a special not her friend Rarifruit doubles as her mom.
Applepills (element unknown): a pale tan mare with pure black hair and no hat. She is VERY addicted to pills. She derives from Applejack, element of honesty. Her biggest weakness in her need of pills. The monster inside her is Louis.
CUTIE MARK CREEPS (not much is known about them, only that they exist. Feel free to comment anymore info.
Creepy Belle: a pure white unicorn with red and black hair. She is Rarifruit's sister and FINALLY has a cutie mark. She derives from Sweetie Belle, sister of Rarity. She is a part of the Cutie Mark Creeps, formerly know as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Francie Bloom: a pale yellow mare with brown hair. She is Applepills sister and FINALLY has her cutie mark. She derives from Apple Bloom, sister of Applejack. She is a part of the Cutie Mark Creeps, formerly known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Karateloo: a bright orange Pegasus who can't fly woth purple hair. She fan girls over her idol Rainbine. She FINALLY has her cutie mark. She derives from Scootaloo, the Pegasus chicken (if you get that your are 20% cooler in my book). She is a part of the Cutie Mark Creeps, formerly known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Stuck in the Middle
FantasyFluttershy is a yellow and pink Pegasus who is as sweet as a honeysuckle. She cares very much for every living creature but is very timid and shy. One day her friends began to go missing within a diffrent world so she went to go check it out. They w...