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Hey everyone! It's been a hot minute!

First I wanted to say sorry to all those who were wanting more writing from me (idk why you would) I had lost the motivation to write, just thought I wasn't really cut out for it, I've had my eyes set on drawing for so long that no other hobbies could fit. So I had deleted Wattpad and kinda forgot I had an account!

Now don't get me wrong I love fanfic, I read so much of it it's kinda scary! I just didn't see myself writing anymore!

Now 2 years later I remembered I had written a  little bit on here and wanted to see how those stories were doing and HOLY SMOKES 103k reads on Lost Worlds Away?!! WAT!!! That's insane!!

I couldn't stop smiling as I read all the comments and stuff! You guys are amazing!!

Now back to the writing bit... I am thinking of coming back and writing a bit more :D

It's not definite yet but seeing all the feedback on my, in my opinion, crappy writing has kinda motivated me to pick it back up.

So if you for some reason are reading this do you think I should? If so what fandom? I'm in some new ones now: BNHA, Haikyu, AOT and a few others. Maybe I could write another langst fic 🤔

Anyway just really wanted to say sorry for dropping off the face of the planet! Keep being lovely humans!! 💛

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