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Name: Remus John Lupin

Nicknames: Rem, Moony

Faceclaim: Andrew Garfield

Age: 16

Relationships: Lyall Lupin (father), Hope Lupin (mother) James Potter (friend), Sirius Black (friend and secret crush), Peter Pettigrew (friend), Lily Evans (friend), Dorcas Meadows (friend)

Occupation: Student, Prefect

Sexuality: In the closet, but homosexual

Personality: Kind, caring, occasionally helps with pranks, smart, hardworking, and loyal

House: Gryffindor

Wand: 10 1/4" Cypress and Unicorn hair

Other: Remus is a werewolf but keeps it a secret. The only people who know are his parents, Fenrir Greyback (the one who turned him), Dumbledore and the current professors of Hogwarts, James, Sirius, Peter, and Lily.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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