The Attack

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“Valkyrie and Best Jeanist were an item?” Izumi’s brow rose as she dried her hair and spoke to her brother over speaker phone. 

“Yeah, though I think there was some kind of misunderstanding between the two of them. She thinks he doesn’t have any proper hero morals, but he is the number 4 hero. It’s hard to believe he wouldn’t have the right motivations.” Izuku told her sitting cross legged on his bed. 

“You forget Endeavor is number two, and he doesn't exactly display moral behavior. Though I have to admit when it comes to his work he’s hero all the way.” She sighed and tossed the towel and slipped on a robe. “I can understand Valkyrie’s concern though. I’ve only been interning in Hosu for two days, and majority of the sidekicks looking to go full pro are all just glory hogs and money worshippers. It’s kind of… off putting.” 

“Really? None of the girls here act like that. Then again, Valkyrie says motivation is never a bad thing, and the worse thing you can do is nothing. Doesn’t matter what’s motivating them, so long as they’re doing what’s right.” 

“That’s flawed logic…” Izumi spoke confidently. “Since when do you need motivation to do the right thing? It should be automatic, instinctive.” 

“You do have a point…” he bounced his legs in a butterfly movement as his brain wrapped around the thought

“Still I can understand her logic even if it's flawed. The two of you share the same morals as Dad. Do what’s right, protect those that need it, etcetera, but for those who aren’t as diligent they need motives to act in the right. However, these aren’t the heroes that turn into people like dad. These are the people that get left in the shadows of the spotlight.”

“Another point for Izumi.” Izuku teased drawing a line in the air.

“She doesn't have to worry about you though. You’re gonna be in the spotlight Izuku, because you have that instinctive and automatic need to help people. Everyone else, who isn't as selfless, won't shine nearly as brightly as you… and that’s-” She drifted off, holding her chest as her warm and happy face fell. “That’s… shit.” 

“What?” Izuku held the phone closer to his ear when he heard the distress in his sister’s voice. “What’s wrong?” 

“Nothing… I just realized how late it is. I have to get up early so I can beat Shoto and go on patrol. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”  She hung up the phone and tossed it on the nightstand. Drawing her legs up to her chest she felt the depression of the day sink over her… the disappointment, the frustration, and the overall failure of it all… and felt the first few tears fall. “That’s why they'll never be as good as you. That's why I won't ever be.” 

~Early Morning Training~

Determined to shake off her depression, Izumi put her all into the morning’s calisthenics… and while this match-up came closer she still ended up falling short as Shoto sent her face first into the mat. 

“Time! That was better.” Endeavor walked over and lifted her up but she smacked his hand away. Raising a brow at her defiance he crossed his arms.  “You’re building up endurance… keep this up and you’ll definitely rise up in rank.”  He then looked to his son. “As for you, what did I tell you about keeping your guard up? That last punch nearly put you on your back, I suggest you either get better at dodging or learn to take a punch from a scrawny girl.” 

“I heard you but-” Shoto started to complain but Izumi beat him to it. 

“Scrawny?” Suddenly refueled with rage Izumi raised a fist. “How about I punch YOU in the face and see how you like it, you old fart!” 

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