Memories Pt V

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An explosion

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An explosion... That's what they saw... That's what they heard. Then they heard another explosion. Screams filled the air and Death was the only thing that you could smell, see or hear.
"Она уходит" (Ona ukhodit!), (she's getting away) a man yelled in Russian. They saw a big white wolf running in the winter forest. The wolf was running and running, while the soldiers were trying to catch it but the animal was faster, bigger and stronger than an average wolf.
"Я хочу ее живой! Нам нужна она! Не дай ей уйти!"
(YA khochu yeye zhivoy! Nam nuzhna ona! Ne day yey uyti!), (I want her alive! We need her! Don't let her get away!)  they heard a buff-looking officer screaming at the soldiers. They stopped using grenades, but they still tried to injure the wolf.
One of the soldiers caught up to the wild animal, but the she-wolf was faster and before the man could do anything, the wild beast jumped on him, biting his neck and trashing him wildly in every direction until his head was detached from his body.
The team watched with wide eyes and when the wolf looked up, they recognised the eyes that could only belong to one person... The wolf growled loudly and kept running into the deep woods.
Only after slowing down, far from the soldiers, guns and explosions, did the team see her limping and crying in pain. She was hit in the leg and her breathing was uneven due to several broken ribs that were impaling themselves slightly in the lungs. She had to stop if she didn't want her lungs to get pierced. Slowly she made it to a frozen lake and she collapsed upon the earth near the lake. She was bleeding, leaving the trail on the white snow. They could find her, yes, but the trees were taking care of hiding the blood.
She laid there. Tired, injured and very thirsty. Three very painful ways to die. She was panting in her wolf form, trying to get at least some of the water from the frozen lake... But it didn't work. There was a movement in the woods but the girl was too weak to fight. The trees tried to protect her, but when they sensed a good aura and recognised the creature, they let it get through the forest.
It was a lion. A big lion, something that you don't see in the middle of a cold Russian forest. It approached her with a worried expression.
The lion gently pushed her, making sure that she recognised him.
The wolf huffed and slightly nodded, showing that she knew who he was. The next thing made the Avengers look confused. The lion roared loudly and the wolf's injuries were healing quickly. Once the girl was healed, she stood up and looked at him. "Thank you, Aslan. My energy was very low and you know, that because I am not "born" yet I can't use all of my powers. Thank you." she said and the lion bowed with a smile."It is my pleasure, your Majesty. Although I would prefer not to see you in a state like this again... I know It will be impossible, especially for you." He said with a deep and soft voice. They both smiled and started walking. "How are my little siblings in Narnia?" She asked as they walked through the forest. "They are well. Little Lucy is growing quite quickly as Peter, Edmund and Susan are now preparing a ball to celebrate the return of their warrior and Goddess. It is your birthday after all." He said and smiled looking at her with parental love in his eyes. "Ah, yes indeed... It's in two days, correct? I don't know what day it is since I was locked away for some time..." She said, with sarcasm in her voice. Aslan chuckled. "Actually it is today. The 17th of May 1943." He informed and the team's eyes winded. Steve and Bucky looked at each other then back to the memory. "I guess that in two years the war will be over. I really am sorry for Poland. They had no one to help them... After the party in Narnia, I'll come back here and help the Polish Lads to rebuild the country. Although I think that it'll be a long time again until they are free... Nobody cares about them... And they need help." she said but deep down she knew, that the future for Poland is bittersweet...not only for Poland but for many other countries as well...

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