Having a chat!

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It was good to hear from his friend after so many days! Seeing Percy was online,Harry also logged in and started chatting.

p-hey! The chosen boy! Good to chat wid u!

h-So percy! how are things wid u?

p-good! good! So how is Ginny?

h-She's fine! now we have 3 children-Albus , James,Lily

p-oh! u named ur children after the 3 most deserving heroes in ur life!;-)

(no answer for a few minutes)

p-Harry? R u still there?

h-Yeah I'm here! sorry about that mate! I just sort of broke down for a bit.

p-that's all ryt! I know how it must be 4 u. let's talk about other things!


A facebook chat between harry potter and percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now