Chapter XV

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Nasir's pov

~the next day~

Leilani came over to Augustine's cave and we talked about the letter she received. "What? You don't even know who sent the letter?! How can we trust this?" I said. "I know, but they talked about our home.. Let's just try to figure it out."

"I know they did, but I'm worried about this." I said. "I don't trust this at all." I said with a soft sigh. Augustine nodded. Our animal senses were tingling about this. We both didn't trust it.

"Please, let us just try. The nearest village with a boat that could take us there is in the capitol of the region." Lei said. "We'll try, but we need to get packed. It's going to be a long ways to the capital." I said.

She nodded and left. After a week we were ready for our trip. One of her friends lended us three horses so we could travel a lot quicker. We started our trip, talking the whole way to Almo village. No it's not in the Almo that's just it's name.

~Nasir's dream that night~

I was looking into the lake and saw that black figure again. "You are not normal." Is what it said. "What do you mean?" I asked it. "You'll find out. I'm not spoiling anything. Just know that I'll be watching you through this journey." The figure said. Then it disappeared.

~in the morning~

I woke up confused and I didn't know what to do about what that dream meant. After we ate breakfast we ran into someone. "Hey. Can I join you guys? I'm heading to the capital too." The man said.

"Really? Well I guess you could come with us." Lei said. "Thanks, my name's Messiah, but you can call me Jeff. That's what my friends call me." He said. We nodded then continued our trip.

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