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Disclaimer: I do now own Ace Attorney or any of its characters. All copyright belongs to their rightful owners.

This is something that I felt like I had to write after playing through the Apollo Justice game for the first time. It's like 3 am at the time of writing this, so maybe I'm just sleep-deprived with an idea again. In any case, it's a tad bit angsty but otherwise, I hope it's well written. Any criticisms or comments are appreciated. Since I'm not familiar with the characters yet, so I hope it still meets expectations ^^

"Are you scared?"

Apollo's voice reverberated through the empty room. There was a dark presence in his voice filled with vile intentions that I couldn't decipher. The chains around my arms and legs seemed to pull tighter as I tried to wriggle out of the chair.

"What is the meaning of this, Justice?" I scowled. "I was already serving time in solitary and would have died. You made sure of that. What twisted reason do you have for practically kidnapping me from my own cell and dragging me to this place? If you wanted information, I would talk. I have no reason to hide anymore."

"...It has nothing to do with your recent actions or even your deeds seven years ago," Apollo said. "Rather, the reason you are here is for a much different series of events. Maybe... Could it be? Have you already forgotten, Mr. Gavin?" He stepped out from the shadows of the room joining me under the single spotlight. I shivered as his eyes bore into me with cold unwavering stillness.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I sincerely said.

"I see..." Apollo suddenly stepped forward and a glimmer in his hand made me tense. "In that case, I'll make you remember." I let out a gasp as he expertly slid the knife across my upper body stripping me bare from my shirt. I froze as the blade began tracing my body. Without meaning to, my eyes followed the steel as it drew closer and closer to my rib cage.

I suddenly realized what Apollo was doing. I slowly looked up to him and gulped as the ghost of a smile graced his lips.

"A-Apollo, what are you doing? Don't come closer—" The words were caught in my throat. I couldn't find the strength to speak anymore. My eyes could only follow the blade. The situation playing out in front of me all reeled back in my head just like it had back then. When I wrote the instructions so long ago and tucked it away in Apollo's hands, I never thought he would remember. But, he is a man of his word. I knew that, and that was why I chose to let him take the responsibility of ending this all.

Only, I never wanted to die.

I never thought I would in this way. And yet, part of me knew there was a special quirk to Apollo. I had seen it. Wright had seen it. Anyone else who had seen the boy behind closed doors knew that there was a darkness that he was hiding. Back then, I never thought that quirk of his would be my downfall.

We'd done it as a joke. We wrote out our deaths and made an oath to fulfill them no matter what. Perhaps, it was the alcohol or maybe even some other dark intent. But, I remember that I didn't want to die in some electrocution chair or trial by fire. I wanted to die at the hands of someone I knew, someone that would get the job done. And it was at that point, Apollo confided me in that dark secret. We made a contract, but it disappeared the day after that as if that night had never happened.

"It's too late to turn back. Obey the rules, submit to the law, and adhere to the contract," he stated. "Wasn't that what I told you? Surely, after all you've taught me, you can keep your end of the bargain." Apollo let out an exasperated chuckle, the kind of laugh where he was almost dismayed by the grim nature. He suddenly pulled away, setting the knife aside and stripping his own upper body clothes. In the light, I could make out the scar blanketing his chest. So that was how it is. It was an ornamental crest. At a glance, it just seemed like an intricate design someone would get to show off. However, after working a defense attorney, even I could tell what it is. I shivered as I realized the mark had been present in past cases, specifically homicide. It was always a little symbol set on a little card. It suddenly all made sense.

Will of a Dead Man (Apollo x Kristoph One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now