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Whisper. whisper. "Yoongi and Lisa broke up."

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yeah, this may be your chance."

"I don't know.." the shorter of the two girls said nervously. "We don't really talk."

The first girl looked up excitedly. "Look, he's coming let's say hi"

"Yoongi h-"

"Not now!" I practically screamed, bumping rudely into the both of them before sprinting off as fast as I had come. The girls were surprised to say the least.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know, I've never seen him like that before."

"YOOOONGIIIIIII!" another person shouted, and sprinted after me.

"Is that... Lisa?" I heard one of the girls say in the distance.

"Hm, I think so."

I know, I know. I'm running from a girl. But she's not just any girl, okay? She practices judo.

While I was looking back, I didn't notice there was someone else approaching and- CRASH. I bumped into him.

"Yoongi? What the hell??" said Taehyung, groaning from the floor. "What's wrong with you?"

"Ugh! Sorry Tae, I-"

"YOONGI!" My apologies were cut off by Lisa, shouting from the other end of the hallway.

"Sorry, gotta go." I quickly spat out before sprinting off again, to create some serious space between me and Lisa. And fast.

"Hey! What's going on?" shouted Tae from the floor.

I looked back just in time to see Lisa do a sort of somersault thing over Tae's head, stopping to pick up the baseball bat he had dropped earlier when I bumped into him.

I gulped and increased speed.

This is new for me; Let me explain. I met this girl, we dated, had fun, everything was great. Until I started to notice some weird stuff.

SHE WAS VERY CONTROLLING. She always knew where I was and with whom. VERY JEALOUS; other girls started to avoid me. VERY INVASIVE ; I lost a lot of underwear. AMONG OTHER THINGS ; Like picking a fight because I had received an anonymous cute love letter and decided to keep it because I thought it was cheesy.

Before things went any further, I decided to end the relationship in a sensitive and mature way to not hurt her feelings. I texted her.

Yoongs❤️✨ :
This isn't working, we're breaking up

Ok, maybe it wasn't the best way to do it, but surprisingly she took it very well. I thought everything would be fine until a few moments ago in class...

"Hey, can I borrow a pen?" my Deskmate asked me.

"Sure." I said lazily and offered her the pen with a slight smile.

"Thanks." She smiled back before turning back to her work.

Nothing weird, right? The problem was that Lisa probably saw something like this :

"Can I have a pen?" My Deskmate said with a slight purr to her tone.

"Of course," I smirk. "But you'll have to take it from my mouth."

IT WASN'T EVEN LIKE THAT! Why does she have to be so jealous?

I groan and spot a door to the side, making a quick decision to open the door and hide inside. The baseball bat was suddenly launched and nearly missed my legs.

" Stop." Said Lisa angrily. "You're not even in that class!"

I groaned and ran forward then turned right until I was face to face with the door of the janitor's closet. I quickly looked left to right and in seeing no Lisa, I dived into the closet as fast as I could.

It was really dark inside and I started to fumble around for the light swi-


And just like that, my face was covered in spit.

When I opened my eyes, there was an orange haired boy with round, absurdly thick-lensed glasses standing in front of me.

"That was disgusting!" I shouted angrily, dragging him towards me by the front of his shirt making the boy tremble.

"P-please don't kill me, I just-"

"Huh?" I said, slightly confused. There was something about his face...

"What?" said the boy, his face turning slightly red.

I was about to ask him who he was when the door suddenly swung open tobreveal a shocked looking Lisa. "I can't believe it!" she breathed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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