Chapter 6: Welcome Back

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Tony's P.O.V

It's been about a month since the crash and I'm still in the hospital. According to my doctor, I'll finally be leaving this godforsaken place today.

Although, I have been getting some pretty nice stuff from fans. I knew I was famous and all but like, it really surprised me how many gift baskets I got. Clint keeps teasing me that there's probably a hoard of fangirls devoted solely to writing fanfictions about me and that I should read some, but like...screw him.

The doctors have been making me do a bunch of physical therapy and, let me tell you, it SUCKS. Like, there are just the stupidest exercises, that obviously aren't going to help me so like, what's the point?!

And if you're noticing more 'likes' than usual, you can blame Peter for that. He keeps coming in here with Shuri and just talking and talking for HOURS! I mean, I secretly like it, BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE THAT!

Now maybe you're wondering who I'm talking to, well, that's easy! Myself! That may sound creepy and lonely, and it is, but I physically can not talk to anyone else so...CAN YOU BLAME ME?! NO! SO STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT AND MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!


I think I'm going crazy.

"Mr. Stark?" A soft knock came from the door and I looked over.

The doctor stood with a smile and walked towards my bed. "It's time for you to go home! Your friends brought some clothes for you and they're waiting in my office. Meet us there and we'll discuss how you should be at home, okay?"

I smiled politely, nodding at the doctor and she smiled back, exiting the room after dropping the clothes on a stool next to me. Slowly, I make my way out of bed and grab the clothes set out for me.

After I finish putting them on, I open the door and look back over at my room.

Goodbye, hellhole! Or should I say badbye? Yep, I totally should.

Closing the door, I start walking down the hallway and turn into the same room I always see the doctor in, so I'm assuming that's her office.

When I enter, I'm greeted by Steve and Natasha smiling at the doctor as she gave them some instructions for 'how to take care of me at home'.

Hmph...I don't need any help.

I sit down in the chair closest to the door, which also happened to be next to Steve, and looked over at the doctor expectantly.

She gave me a warm smile and reached behind her. "Tony, I'm glad you got here!"

Why is she acting like I had a choice?

"I forgot to put this with your clothes but I need to show you how to strap it on, anyway," The doctor said, pulling out a weird padded-vest-baby-carrier-thing. "This is something you wrap around your abdomen to protect your kidney. They're usually called kidney pads, I figured they'd be the safest option considering your known to be a little..."

I raised an eyebrow and she chuckled nervously. ", unpredictable?"

I smirked and Steve lightly nudged me with a smile. The doctor handed me the kidney pads and instructed me on how to put them on.

She had me take off my shirt, since the kidney pads are supposed to go under your clothes, and started to show me how to strap it.

I could see Steve's eyes widen when my shirt came off and smirked, even though I knew that's not why he was choked up.

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