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At first I thought it was a joke. Could this really be me only 2 years ago? Has he really changed me that much? Is it to the better or the worse? I remember it like it was yesterday. I guess I'll just tell you what I'm talking about. Here's my story; 

I, Adriana Bakers, was again sitting in this damn school cafeteria. All alone, as always. I guess you could say I wasn't really the popular type in high school. People made fun of me, my clothes, that I didn't wear as much makeup as the other girls and that I really should to cover up my ugliness. So I grew up in a Christian home. Overly Christian. I'm talking Jesus-stuff all over the place and God's mentioned in every conversation we have. People know that and that's why they bully me if that's the right word. They know that my brother or dad won't beat them up so nothing is stopping them...  

"Niall! What up man? Haven't seen ya around for a while now." A guy named Tyler shouted. He's one of the more popular guys. 

"Yeah, I know bro. Just got sick of this place ya know?" He answered. As they walked by my table I could feel their stares and chuckles. It's probably because of my clothing. My dad doesn't like the way girls dress nowadays he thinks that they show too much skin and that's just stupid. So here I am, 17 years old and in a dress that goes to under my knees. You know the dresses they wore in the 19th century? Yeah, one of those. 

"Wow, when did you buy that dress Bakers? Haven't seen it before" Tyler says as he starts to chuckle. They know I've only got a few dresses. They make their way over to their table where their other friends are already seated. We've got Louis, Zayn, Harry, Mason and.....

"FIGHT!!!!!" I hear someone shout and everyone quickly rises and runs there. I walk over too. Oh there's the last guy, Liam. He's fighting another boy named Bryan. Bryan is one of the athletic jocks and he was and still is really popular with the girls but Zayn, Mason, Harry and the others get a lot of girls now too. The girls goes for the bad boys. Good choice there. Not. All the girls in my school looks absolutely stunning but I guess makeup does a lot. My best friend is one of the popular girls, I guess that comes as a surprise for you but she doesn't really care about how you look. Her name is Heather. She's blonde, like really super blonde, has blue eyes, tanned skin, perfect body and face. She is just stunning. I actually wish I could look like her. But here I am; hazel brown hair, grey boring eyes and not perfect in any way. 

Yeah so let's go back. 

The reason why I'm alone today is because Heather isn't here. She's on a vacation, in England. 

So I'm standing there with all the other students watching Liam beat Bryan. 

"What's happening over here?!!" A teacher comes and interrupts it all before Liam beats Bryan unconscious. The teacher tells Liam to go to the principal and takes care of Bryan and call someone for help. 

All the people who stood by and watched start to make their way back to their seats. A guy doesn't see me and stumbles on me. 

"Oh I'm sorry" I say before I continue to make my way to my table. 

"Why do you apologise? I was the clumsy one. I'm so sorry, princess" he says. Is he just kidding with me now? A bet or something? 

"Um... It's okay?" I sit down in my seat and continue to eat my food. The guy grabs his food from his table and comes over to me. 

"Mind if I sit?" 


"So, my name is Kevin. It's nice to meet you. Are you new around here?"

"Hi, I'm Adriana. Nice to meet you too. No but it seems like I'm invisible to some people here"

"Oh no no. I just asked because I'm new and you were like alone just like me" 

"Oh yeah people like bully me. Because of how I look and dress and stuff. Welcome to East Rose High School though." 

"People are bullying you?! Because of how you look? They're just jealous if that's the case because you look stunning" he says and blush. I blush even more, I have never got that comment before except from my mum. Then he carry on; "so you don't have a single friend here...?"  

"Yeah I do. My best friend's named Heather but she's on vacation in England"

"Oh okay. And now you've got me too"

"I can show you around and tell you about other people and stuff here if you'd like?" 

"Yeah thank you"

"Okay..." I start, thinking of with who I should begin with. Liam. "So the guy who were winning the fight earlier is Liam. He's always in fights and stuff. He likes to show people that he's really strong and doesn't fear anyone or anything. The one he was fighting is named Bryan. He's one of the popular jocks. Liam's group of friends is sitting over there" I said while pointing at Niall's table. I carried on; "the guy with curly brown hair is Harry. Maybe he looks kinda innocent, well he's not. He plays really sweet to get in hot girls pants. And he does. He uses them and leaves them and become an asshole to them. He's the heartbreaker on this school. The guy with black hair over and a mysterious look is Zayn. He's just a typical bad boy. I don't even know what to tell you about him. Louis is the sweeter one of them. Though he's not sweet at all but still sweeter. He's really good at charming the teachers so they all get out of trouble. Then there's Mason, he's new in the group and he has to do all the dirty job so for an example, the others tell him to steal something, he does, he gets caught and he has to deal with all the consequences. I don't even know why he's doing it, for being in the group and being popular I guess but he's just being used you know. And then we have Niall. He's the blonde one who think he owns the place. Well he actually thinks that he owns the whole city. He's the biggest selfish self-loving jerk I've ever met and every girl falls for him. He's without emotions and nobody has the guts to say anything against him, almost not even the other guys. So look out for him because he's not kind in any way. And we, me and Heather, calls this group 'The Jerk Gang'"

"Wow that was a lot" 

The school bell rang telling us lunch break was over. 

"The rest you have to find out yourself or I'll tell you some other time. What class do you have now?" I asked as I slung the bag over my shoulder. 

"Math. What about you?" 

"English. Okay so I'll just see you later I guess?"

"Yeah you can have my number if you'd like and you can text me or something"

"Yeah that would be cool" I said and got his number. 

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