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The time passes by so quickly while fixing Emily’s roof I look up the sky where the sun radiates harshly. Wiping the sweat that trickles down my face I continue impaling the nails down the hard wood. Fortunately the roof was not heavily damage a few nails and woods will do the trick.

A cold sensation suddenly felt right to my cheeks,

“What the heck are you doing here?!” I said in a surprise tone while eyes widen on Emily who suddenly appears.

“Delivering juice” She smiled mischievously while holding a glass of orange liquid on her right hand.

“How the heck did you ever appear suddenly?” Still surprise I asked her again, thinking what she did was really dangerous. She is literally 40 feet above the ground was already dangerous but surprising me like that. What if I was totally surprise I might push her without realizing.

“Flying” She replied.

“What?!” I react.

“Of course I use the ladder you idiot” She said mockingly.

“You called me an idiot” I felt a little bit insulted.

“Calm down Victor I just deliver a snack” She smiled and then suddenly I’m not insulted anymore. She lift an apple pie on her left hand then seated comfortably on the roof.

“Fine, don’t do it that was very dangerous. You might fell or worst I might push you down” I massage my temple.

“Okay” She smiled sweetly without making a fight.

While eating the delicious stuff she made I remember earlier this morning Mom was freaking out on organizing a party that will be held tomorrow evening. I wonder if Emily likes to go to parties. I observe her while eating the pie.

“Hey, Emily do you want to come with me to a party?” I asked.

“A party?” She asked.

“Yes, my mom is actually holding one tomorrow tonight. Do you want to come?” I asked again realizing that I have been looking at her for a moment then warmth envelopes me rapidly, her eyes were so mesmerizing that I would want to stare at it forever.

“Well, it’s not like that I don’t want to come but in case you forgotten I don’t know anyone and wouldn’t your mom be mad if you invited a complete stranger in her party” She points out.

“Of course not, my mom is kind of a socializer. She likes more people to come in her party and meeting other people in the party is the whole point of inviting you. Isn’t it a good opportunity to meet other people their” I defended.

“Well what about Victoria?” She asked sincerely.

“What about her?” I asked.

“Victoria is your fiancé, Victor and I think she would mind if you bring me to the party” I look straight in to her worried eyes, Emily was deeply concern between me and Victoria. Just by looking at her beautiful eyes something’s telling me it bothers her so much when we talk about Victoria.

Is it pain?

Is it sorrow?

Whatever it is deep inside me wants to take it all away and just want to make her happy. I want that genuine smile of her back.

“She’s not attending the party since she is away to visit someone… And it is very important to see you in that party, please Emily. Will you go to the party with me?” My brain just explode, surprise by the words I said. I tried to swallow the big lump in my throat; I steal a glance at the lady in front of me. Unfortunately I can’t see her face properly since her head is bow down. Shoot! What now?

“Okay, what should I wear?” She said cheerfully. I can see Emily smiling and I can’t tell whether its force or true.

“Well figure something out” My shaky voice manage to finish the sentence.


“Oh hush now Victor! Just get out” the strong voice of my mother got me stand on my feet and move out the room.

“Come here dear, let me fix your hair and help you with the clothing” I took a final glance of Emily who was smiling and talking with my mother. She was surprisingly calm and her smile as far as I know was not force nor fake, I wonder what was she thinking.

As the door closes I breathe in relief while leaning at the white coated door. Before my blabbering mouth just spoke on its own, earlier I was really worried I invited Emily without telling anyone about it

Thank goodness my mother annoying as she is, still kind and understanding person. Who just recently knew I have a friend besides from my journal of butterflies for the past years. I hope Emily will be okay.

The thin black silk cloth was tied around my neck properly, that I can’t breathe.

The party just started as foods and drinks can be seen and arrange neatly the buffet table.

Each and every table has purple and black clothing and a vase of white lilies on top of it. The music starts to play gently as the lighting was dim yet light enough to see the pathways. Candles seems to light up the place it seems my mother just got this idea from her friend and honestly it seems to be a bad idea since parties supposed to be fun and it should be light brightly with live and festive music. But here I am standing near the pathway.

“Great party you’ve got here, young man” A man with white mustache came near me. Holding a wine glass on his left as his right extended to mine.

Great! Who is this old man again?

“Ohh! Thanks for coming here” I gave him a handshake for respect.

Parties always bore me.

People are noisy. They only talk about money, power and politics people has always been like that.

I hated the fact that people are so materialistic. They never thought that there are many things more important than money or anything materialistic.

A couple passes by and greeted me.

My world has always been black and white. Just like old movies, my world is dull but then the little light dances beside the staircase and there she was with her wavy brown hair, brilliant looking eyes and her beautiful smile.

Emily climbs down the stair gracefully; she’s wearing a lavender long dress with purple ribbon wrap around her waist.

She is so beautiful.

Were my eyes deceiving me?

One more chance (Corpse Bride fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now