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" when my moon rises, your sun rises as well under the same sky"

on a street of flowers, an angelic boy was seen walking. inhaling the fresh air of the outside before stepping foot onto the dreadful company. the company he leaned his life to. more like a prison he locked in himself.

he was just like any other. dreaming of finding his passion. and that search ended when he discovered music. he was just a hopeless teenager back then. now, this bittersweet prison took him in. he was thankful. yes.

to have millions of strangers loving his persona. that was good. but sometimes. just sometimes. how he wish someone knew him. can relate to him. how he wish someone could uncover his mask. show the flawed him. the real him. one filled with imperfections and scars.

he hated his current life. maybe hate is a strong a word. maybe despise fit more. but one thing for sure, he is uncomfortable. he feels suffocated. he feels like a flower grown by the company. and now hes slowly becoming a bloomed flower that the company can use. he shouldnt feel useless. and yet he does. he cant help but think once hes fully bloomed. its just a matter of time before he wilts. after a flower wilts, it falls onto the ground lifeless. he sees himself in that vision. he is slowly wilting. its suffocating and hes suffocated.

he looks at the sky. and sees the sun.

little does he know, in another alternate dimension. a girl with two phases. soleil. luna. was finding long deep for her terre. supposedly in this dimension when they turn the age of sweet sixteen, they find their terre. in common terms they find their earth to give their light.

when the new year passed, she was purely anxious. anxious of finding out her terre. but a month has now passed. and she still hasn't found them. she started to wonder if she was a defect. why cant she be useful. this was the first ever case where one cannot find their terre.

her doubts ate her. her thoughts ate her. instead of becoming soleil in the day. now she wonders if all these are real. she starts to wonder herself. she starts to question why must she have two personas. when clearly being luna suits her better. she knows luna. she does not know soleil. its simple yet complicated. maybe the reason why she cant find her terre is because maybe she doesnt live up to having two phases. maybe because she can only embrace one part of her. that is being luna.

and before she knew it, her halo turned dark. her halo didnt light up in the day anymore. because of this mysterious case, their leader decides to let luna go to human world. earth. where all their terre lives.

she was just sixteen. and now because she is a defect. she is becoming their sacrifice. they are kicking her out. they dont want an imperfection in the way of a perfect society. she thought all to herself. nonetheless, she agreed to go.

she arrived at earth. she was in her human form. her wings were gone. not like she knows how to use them anyway. her bright halo is also gone. long gone. her halo was not visible anymore.

without a clue, she starts walking mindlessly and dreadfully. soon she saw the first human in the place. he's looking up at the sky with his eyes closed. she looks at the sky too. she would have been there if she was just perfect. she starts to look down with this in thought. she doesnt notice the boy gaze has changed its direction to her.

"hi" the boy attempts to start a conversation

startled, she flinched and lost her thought. she looks back at reality. right. she's in this planet. to find her terre. manually.

she gazes at the boy beside him. and ignored him treating him as an object in the way. he was not the one. she knew. she would know because they boy would have ran away from her if he was the one. he would have saw her dark and broken wings. he would have saw her dark halo. he would have saw her dark aura around her. he would have been frightened and scared to death. he cannot just start a conversation so casually. so she discarded him.

but the boy smiles and continued talking to her. despite her not answering. she found it annoying. but she stayed. thinking he can help. maybe his friends are her terre. she smiled at his kind gestures. the boy turned into a shocked face but laughed brightly after. there she thought if that would be her if she found herself again. her soleil self long forgotten.

weeks passed and she was still searching. alone. without a clue. she found herself in the same field when she was in her first day. she found the same boy in the field.

she took a sit beside him. without a word. she found it exhausting to speak. she was too used communicating telepathically back in their universe. she foolishly said hi to the boy in her mind. unconsciously she chuckled at what she just did. but the boy never looked at her. and continued on looking at the sun setting. she stopped chuckling when she received a message. she heard a voice in her head saying 'the sunset is pretty huh'. a voice she has never heard of before. she looks up at who could have sent it. but she only finds a single creature within the area. that is the boy sitting beside her. she looks at him. and she doesn't know if she's hallucinating today but she saw the boy smirks. 

slowly, the boy leans in to the broken creature. he places his lips to hers. now she's definitely sure she's hallucinating. the boy looked at her and smiled softly.

"now ur halo is lighting up" he stated with a proud tone

she's flabbergasted. she's weirded out. she secretly pinches herself. she thought it was a joke when it hurted. so is she really living the reality right now. too many thoughts crashed her head.

but all that was stopped when the boy leaned in for a kiss once more with the sun fully setting. hiding behind the sun's light. they kissed. not fully knowing what's going on. all she knew was that that felt so right.

"now you found yourself, soleil"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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