(CHAPTER TWO) A Realization?

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* Just a disclaimer, I do not know what happened in Deku's family with his dad situation. So whatever you read here is not true in any way shape or form *

"'u-umm" My mother then grabs the chair beside me and sits on it, "You know.. when your father and I met, I fell in love with him at first sight and only grew more in love when we got to know each other. At first I denied that I liked him, but over time I grew to realize that he never left my mind and I'm being straight up honest here, I may have had dreams with him in it and maybe fantasized about a couple of things.."

I chuckle, " But how did your relationship start?" " Well one day I decided that today was the day, the day I ask out your father. So I put a letter in his locker and told him to me at the front school gates. Thankfully he came and was quite surprised to see me. Our conversation started out fine and then I I built the courage and asked him out, he said yes and told me he felt the exact same way, and to hear those words back then warmed my heart, unlike now. He then leaned in and we shared a tender kiss, boy do I regret dating that man" she said

"why do you regret dating him?" I say out of curiosity, "Well I guess its time to tell you, right?" she asks, I nod

" Ok then, when I found out I was pregnant, I was ecstatic and called your father to let him know but he wasn't too happy about it... he called me names that I couldn't even believe of him saying to me, he then said that he was coming back home to have a talk with me. It wasn't a talk it was more of a verbally abusive fight, he didn't lay a finger on me. We never broke up in that fight and at the time he was living with me. We'd fight every day about the most stupid things and he'd be gone for day even weeks on end. Then one day I got a text from my friend and it was a photo of your father kissing some woman in a car, my heart broke, it felt like it was shattered into a million pieces, but I had to stay strong for me and for you..."

"Once he got home I ended the relationship and I've never heard from him since.." " wow" I say "Welp, I think that's enough for today, I'm heading to bed love you" she then kisses me on the forehead and walks to her room, I say goodnight and go back to thinking to myself.

Back to what my mother was saying before about her realizing she liked him by never getting him out of her head and dreaming about him, I do those things but I think about Kacchan when doing so, do I like him? Well of course not he's done so much to me that I could never forgive him for!

I then start to eat my food I picked out from the cupboard. Once finished I stood up and walked back upstairs to my room and start to right things down in my journal about how I feel about this situation and if I think that I may like him...

That's enough now I better head to bed and try to get some good sleep for once.


I wake up from sudden realization that I was dreaming about that stupid nerd again. "For fucks sake..." I whisper under my breath. " Thinking about him again~?" a deep voice says from the frame of the door,

" Come out from hiding bitch, and show your face first before I answer you" "ok.." A tall dark shadow walks to the light switch and turns it on, "Fuck.." I whisper from how bright the lights are.

Then I look up to see Dabi at the light switch, "Hey~ still dreaming about him?" "Shut up" I reply " oh come on, ever since you saw him at that battle today you've acted strange like your minds always drifting off into a different realm, like it used to when you left him behind it obvious you like him" "tch, I couldn't care less about that boy"

"Fine, ill just go over to his house then and burn him alive, remember we all know where he lives~" he says as he starts to leave the room, " NO!- uh- um, I mean no, your not killing him I. am. obviously in the future" I say " heh, you like him" Dabi then turns off the light and leaves the room.

" Me liking him, eww, never in million years" I say before laying back down and drifting off to sleep.



I wake up to rays of sunshine beaming on my eyes "Morning Bakugou~" a female voice says, "Morning cannibal" I reply "rude, anyway~ we ran out of supply to keep us alive can you go out again to the grocery shop and get more groceries??~" she requests, ' ugh, fine" I reply "yay!" she says happily as she runs out of the room.

I hop out of bed and put on some white skinny jeans and a black hoodie. I then walk out of the room to the main area we all lounge at.

"Oi, cannibal where's the others?" I say curiously, "oh, they're out somewhere, probably destroying things again" she says," ok well I'm leaving now" "ok, don't. get caught." she replies "oh please ive done this so many times its crazy"

I chuckle. I then open the door and leave the building making my way to the grocery store, I got a few stares on the way but I just brushed them off.

Once I got there I made my way to one particular aisle 'The Noodle aisle' boy oh boy do they love some ramen every now and then, its really stupid. After a couple of minutes looking for some ramen I finally found the brand we wanted. Then all of a sudden 'CRASH'

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