Chapter 16: Unveiling the curtains of the past

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The little girl was shocked when she heard the response of her friend

"I'm sorry Astrid,he has a mild amnesia because of the huge impact on his head" the little boy's mother said and you can tell that she's really sad

The little girl stayed frozen there and she can't feel herself that time.She feels numb

But she felt even worse when she heard what the little boy's father said

"We will move to America after his treatments here,Astrid"

At that time,she can't control herself anymore.She went home and cried in her bedroom and her family didn't bother her because they knew the reason

After that day,she didnt even tried to see the little boy again and she found out after 2 months that they're already in America

She was badly hurt.She'll miss the person who gave her life and happiness,she'll miss her first love and she already lost hope that the boy would keep his promise

The promise of 'forever'


Humigpit ang hawak ko sa baso ko.I can't let her use him

"Hey sis,are you okay?" Hunter asked me

"Yes,I'm definitely fine.I just remembered something"

"You mean,11 years ago?again?" He said and I know he's teasing me -.-


"How about 2 years ago?" he asked while grinning

"Yeah yeah -.-" I said and I took a sip on my tequilla

"Another glass please"

"Tss ang lakas mo talaga sa inuman!HAHA Coming right up!" Hunter said



[Flashback: 2 years ago]

There were 7 girls who loves to play with death.They started since they were 10 and they were the most dangerous gang alive.They were called the REAPERS

They were very close especially the two Astrid's.They treat each other like sisters

But one day,Ryanne Astrid aksed Himika Astrid to go to a place at 8pm.Because Himika Astrid trusts so much,she went there

She was shocked when she saw her bestfriend there with the people who they considered as enemies

"Are you shocked,bestfriend?" She asked Himika Astrid with an evil smile on her face

"Why are you with them?" Himika Astrid asked

"Isnt it obvoius?I'm part of them!We're part of them!hah!You're so pathetic and stupid.You easily trust people!HAHAHA!We fooled you bitch!" She said

Himika Astrid was furious at that moment but before she can make a move,Ryanne Astrid already ordered her people to attack Himika Astrid

She was so blinded and emotionally wrecked so she didnt even had a chance at all to fight back

Laufeia: The Mafia QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon