Chapter 1

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Weekdays are always the worst.

I hear my retro alarm nagging me to get up.

But it's distant, and I'm still in my dream world. In which I have already found my true love.

I'm still only half awake when Mum storms into my room, annoyed by the noise of my still ringing alarm.

It's a Friday.

I love Fridays, the teachers forgive us, slightly, for being tired. And I can stay up all night and not have to wake up early for school.

Fridays are the best.
End of discussion.

Mums saying my name into my ear and telling me breakfast is ready.

After awhile she gives up and leaves.

I lie in bed for a little while. Then decide I might as well get ready for school.

After I struggle to get out of bed I make my way slowly through our large house to the kitchen.

My Mum, Older Brother and step Dad are already in there.

"Morning Eva." says my brother, Jonathan, with a nod.

I take a seat at the table in the spot opposite him.

"Hey Jono."

We don't talk anymore than that, I think we can both sense how tired the other one is.

I watch my step dad, Phillip, walk around in the kitchen.

I really dislike him.

He's just so arrogant. He always talks about how great he is or how great what he does is.

He's seriously just a chemist. It's kind of boring actually.

Mum seems to like him though. So I have to put up with him for her sake.

"Oh Eva, your coming with me after school to go shopping. Your Mum thinks it will be a good bonding exercise." says Phil.

I look over to Jonathan, only to see he's smiling at me through his long curly brown hair.

Thanks Jono. So kind of you. I think, throwing him an annoyed look back.


At school my best friends Claudia and Lucy are waiting for me at the front gate.

They're both very tall. They also both have really light, blonde hair.

When they see me they both run over to give me a hug.

Despite our differences in appearance, we're all really close.

"Oh Eva, I just like LOVE your hair. It's so soft, and nice, and pretty!" says Claudia messing around with a couple strands a little.

"Haha... Thanks..." I say.

Claudia is great. She just over exaggerates a little sometimes. Also, she can be a but ditzy.

"Whatever, come on let's head to class. I'm sure all the boys are just dying to see Claudia." Says Lucy.

Claudia is the one of the prettiest girls in our school. She's a lot nicer than Abigail though.

That's probably the reason she's gone out with every single boy in our class.

We arrive at class just as the bell goes off to enter.

There are only a few seats left, two at the back and one at the front next to Emily.

Emily's really nice, even if she's a bit nerdy and weird.

I probably wouldn't be friends with her, but she's still really nice.

I let Lucy and Claudia go sit and the back and take one for the team by going to sit at the front with Emily.

"Hi Eva!" Says Emily excitedly.

I'm sure she never has anyone sit with her. I better not tell her I'm only sitting here because there's no where else to sit.

"Okay class," says Mr Reynolds, our teacher.
"We're getting a new student next week. He's just moved into City so make sure your all nice to him when he joins us here. Tyler,"

Tyler Hilton, a 'cool kid' in our class looks up from staring into the eyes of his girlfriend.

"You'll be in charge of looking out for him."

Tyler laughs with his friends.

"Can't you get someone else to. I don't want a loser hanging around the entire time."

Mr Reynolds gives him a stern look.

"Fine, I'll look out for the poor bastard." he says in exasperation.

"Forget it, go to the principles office. Dean. You can look after the new boy instead."

Dean would've been my first choice. He's so responsible.

Looking at him now, he's actually pretty cute. Short brown hair, nice blue eyes and he's really tall.

Not my type though.

The teacher gives us some work to go on with.


At lunch Lucy tells us about how on Monday people can put twit names down to be house captain.

"How'd you hear about this?" I ask.

"Don't you read the newsletter? You read pretty much everything else." She says.

Of course I don't read the newsletter. They are so boring. I like reading more interesting things.

"I think it would be cool to be house captain. Don't you guys?" I ask.

"That captain thingy is soooo not for me. Like, you know?" Says Claudia.

I have to hide a little smile. Claudia is so weird.


After school I wait near the front in the shade of a tree for Phil.

It's at least an hour after school before I decide to just head home on my own.

I can't believe he forgot me. It's so like him too, only ever thinking about himself. He'll probably be at home, watching TV and eating on the couch.

He makes me so angry.

When I arrive home after my long walk it's Mum who greets me at the door.

"Hey Eva babe. Where's Phil?" She says sweeping me up in a big hug.

"He forgot about me. I was standing out the front for an hour, and he didn't show up." I explain.

"Oh that's horrible. Come in. I bought ice cream. It's cookies and cream. Your favourite." says Mum.

I give her a smile and head inside. That's when I start thinking. Where is Phil?

Authors Note:

Sorry I you think this chapter is really short. I had a bit of writers block and thought I should stick with whatever idea I had.

Trust me, I'll try real hard making the next one longer.

Since I updated this on Christmas Day, hopefully your too busy enjoying yourself to read. If not, then MERRY CHRISTMAS. :)

Hope y'all get lots of prezzies!!

Eva {on hold}Where stories live. Discover now