Chapter 22

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Yea, like, really crazy. Like, cray cray crazy.

It was really chaotic, 8 people this spazztically excited. But, these next 5 seconds ticked slowly for me.

Harry spun me around, so directly faced him, looking him right in his eyes. To me, the world became still, I wasn't listening to the music, or the cheers of the boys and Christine and Deana, or my laptop ringing with new tweets, all I saw was Harry, and I only heard my steady breathing.

He put his hand on my cheek, and pulled me close, his soft lips touching mine. Only for about 2 seconds. But it seemed like forever. I had closed my eyes, Harry doing the same, then, more me than him, released, and akwardly stared at each other. I turned and joined Deana and Christine.

I was having fun, we stayed up for another hour before we went to bed.

When I sat there in bed, next to a sleeping Christine, I just lay there and stared at the ceiling.

Sometimes, I wished I was just a fan again, when liking one of the boys seemed easier, because, well..... I was just a fan. That's really it. All I was was a fan. And now I was more. I was a friend. And a very confused fan at that.

That kiss. With Harry. Short, but the first I'd ever had. Did he know that? My thoughts drifted, and I started hearing the line from their new album "how come she's so afraid of falling in love?"

I run my hands through my hair. I just didn't know. I went to sleep. I needed to rest. Everything always seemed worse at night.

I was woken up by Liam that morning. "We have to hurry up. We're performing on the Today Show. And bring a jacket, it's freezing." I got up right away, grabbing a muffin from a plate of many many muffins on the table. I scarfed it down, and hurried along to get in the shower, but not washing my hair, because I didn't have time to blow dry it, and it would freeze outside if it was wet.

I threw on a bathrobe, the room was just us girls, Liam just came in to wake us up. I pulled on some dark wash skinny jeans and a tight V neck T shirt, and brushed out my hair, clasped my pandora bracelet on my left wrist, and tied on my faded blue converse, easily recognizable as Francesca Baker. I pulled out my Colombia jacket, because it was freezing outside apparently. Deana came out of the bathroom, overly peppy. She was wearing a sparkly blue crop top and white tank top, and brown boots over her grey skinny jeans. She had brushed out her pin straight hair. And Christine came out, wearing her recognizable white tank top with a knit sweater pulled over with jeans and her grey boots. She had her curly hair pulled into a side bun.

"You guys ready?" I ask them, picking up my phone from the charger.

"Heck ya!" Deana says, zipping up her coat, and running out the door, going over and knocking continuously on the door to Louis's room.

I put on my finger-less gloves, Christine picking up her knit mittens. "You aren't surprising us by singing today right?"

"No way, I'm going to lose my voice if I keep having to do this randomly without warming up and stuff. It's cold too, I swear I'm going to get sick, knock on wood." I say getting my plaid scarf out of the drawer and throwing it around my neck.

"I'll tell Liam don't get any ideas." She says, zipping up her North Face and walking out the door, and I hear the polite knocking at Liam's door. The room set up this time was us girls, Louis, Niall and Liam in another, and Zayn and Harry in another. I decide to wait in the hallway. I stand there on my phone, all awkward, looking lonely. I go on twitter as Francesca, and post a picture of me in front of the 2 doors that were occupied by the boys with the caption,"and girls take a long time to get ready? Hurry up! @harrystyles" I bounced up and down on my tiptoes, becoming impatient. I wasn't exactly the most patient person in the world, but I tried to contain myself.

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