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once the message registered in his head, (pretty) minho was already at his brother's door, banging his fists against the frost-white wood. He could faintly hear Felix choke on his sobs. With his mind stormed by different thoughts, Minho felt panicked. So he did whatever popped into his head first.


"Ow.." (Pretty) Minho winced, rubbing his forehead after mindlessly slamming his head against the door. He then backed away, another idea coming to him.

With much struggle and a few scratches on his hands from the harsh branches of the tree, (pretty) Minho stumbled through Felix's open window and into his room.

"Lix," He called out, immediately rushing towards the crying boy. Felix was on the carpeted floor, gasping for air, crying his eyes out. He let the older safely wrap his arms around him.

It took four repetitions of (pretty) Minho singing Twice's song ('More & More') for Felix to finally calm down. When Felix moved back, his brother combed fingers through his messy hair, playing with the blond strands.

"How do you feel?"

(Pretty) Minho's words created a sad little pout on Felix's face. "Overwhelmed.." He whispered, voice strained and dry, and way too deep. He used his pastel black [jk, it's grey] sweater paws to rub his eyes furiously. "I'm just sad and overwhelmed.."

Humming, (pretty) Minho waited for the boy to continue.

"Channie-" Felix paused, jutting his bottom lips out. His glassy eyes filled with tears again. "He hasn't talked to me since yesterday.."

The older arched an eyebrow, tilting his head in question. "At all? He said you weren't replying though.."

Felix shook his head to either sides. "When you said Chan was.. Chris.. He sent me a full stop, and then I panic blocked him."

"A-" Minho's eyes widened. "A full stop? Like one period mark? Alone? That fucking clown.." He slapped a hand over his forehead, disappointed.

"Wait." (Pretty) Minho sat upright, eyes wide open again.


Caw. Caw. Caw.

Felix flinched away, terrified of his brother's high pitched yell. He gave a quick nod, before the tears that welled up in his eyes were set free. "Y-You yelled.." He hiccuped, afraid to look at the older.

"Wait no- oh my god." (Pretty) Minho cursed, pulling the smaller boy into an embrace again. "Hyung is sorry.." Please don't make me sing the same song ag-

So Minho sat there, singing the same song at least six more times with Felix snuggled in his arms.

^ yes I gave up on lowercase bc my brain can't not punctuate



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Also Maya is sorry for being late n

[ One eternity later ]

As you can see ^ this was supposed
to be published on around June 4th..
I'm sorry :( I couldn't come on here at all.
(I explained on my message board)

Sorry for worrying you, I missed you,
and hello to any new members of the
Minho Pretty Cult (づ ̄ ³) ❤️

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