The galaxies ―

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"N-no.. You can't..―" his cold hands reached his face, gripping tightly to his hair. Amane's vision blurred, to the point that his face was stained by big, warm tears, in contrast to his unusual cold body temperature. The lump on his throat felt hot, in attempt for the tears not to flow any further.

The sun reached the land, staining the sky with a rich, pastel orange hue. The sharp green grass swayed softly to the calm breeze, flowing freely. The tears brimming in the corner of his eyes were reflected onto the quiet river, flowing, drifting farther and farther into the deep waters.

Her hand was placed onto her chest, the other on his hand. Within the color of the sun's fading light, she could see his face so clearly, that she knew what his gaze meant, and his deepest fears and intentions.

His long, choppy, dark brown hair was a mess. His eyes that shone bright as the moon at night, seemed reluctant and hesitant. His slender, cold hands were shivering,. He didn't want her to see him in this kind of state― weak and dubious. "I told you already―" his voice croaked, his uncertainty stopped him from speaking any further. But he wouldn't want to leave her without an explanation. That would only hurt her more.

"Y-you shouldn't like me." With his quivering hands, he lifted it up, in an attempt to cover his face. He's scared. A coward. Not being able to say one single explainable reason, rather than the confusing sentence.

Her big, red, shiny orbs left a trace of skepticism, but, biting her lip, she spoke; "That decision is not for you to make." Amane was taken off guard, and his cloudy, amber eyes reached hers. "I know, that I'm incompetent," she started with a dejected look.

"clumsy, . ."  She gulped. Amane decided not to say anything, as he never really prepared words to speak in the first place.

Always putting on a facade with fake smiles and persona, Yashiro has always been the one who can tear his walls down. No one else can, because no one ever did.

"I cant do anything by myself without having to bother someone in order to finish a simple task." She laughed with a hint of sarcasm. A single, shining, drop of tear fell from her reddening cheeks, staining her porcelain skin.

"A-and, to top it all off, no one likes my disgusting, fat ankles." Her voice wavered, being barely audible within each word. He felt his heart clench, the guilt that formed in his chest started to flow endlessly through his tears.

Amane Yugi felt bad, wait, scratch that, he felt worse by each word she spoke. If he did not choose to become such a coward, that if only he would stop protecting his feelings, they wouldn't come up with this kind of situation.

Silence lingered between them, the unspoken words and dried tears were all there was. Nothing more.

Nothing more, huh.

Yashiro clearly didn't think this through, but she was sure of what she felt. She would not let go of this chance now that it's in her hands.

"But, I know. I know more than myself, . . I wouldn't stop loving you." The sudden rush of determination rushed through her blood. With flushed cheeks, a tear-stained face, she declared her love for Amane Yugi. A gaze reached their orbs, pitiful, love struck;

And pain.

But his eyes went dark, as he only looked down on the floor, without meeting her enchanting, drowning crimson eyes.

The Galaxies In Between | Hananene One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now