First day of school

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'DING!' I rolled over in my bed and picked up my phone. Tj, my best friend, texted me 'Are you up yet?'
'Now I am' I texted back, my eyes trying to adjust to the light of the morning.
My mom knocked on the door, "Sweetie?" She called slowly opening the door.
"Morning mom" I groaned, sitting up and stretching.
"Just wanted to make sure you were up" She said before quietly closing the door.
My mom has treated me really nice ever since dad left 3 years ago, she wants me to have the best life possible. Especially since I came out as Bisexual to her last year.
I got ready for school and headed down stairs. "Morning kid!" My stepdad, Thomas, ruffled my hair, and I sat down at the table to eat breakfast. Thomas is like my dad, he treats me like his daughter. I'm glad my mom found him, and they love each other.
"Morning Thomas!" I finish eating my breakfast and run to the bus stop to meet Tj.
"What took you so long?" He asked when I sat down on the bus.
"Sorry Tj, I just slept in." I put my stuff in the seat and sat down, "Why isn't the bus moving?"
"There's a new girl, she forgot her backpack, so we are waiting for her to come back to the bus."
I let out a long groan
"At least you aren't the last person on the bus this time." He nudged my shoulder.
After a bit of waiting, someone finally came on the bus. She sat in the seat in front of mine, she wore a white t-shirt and black jean shorts. Her platinum blonde hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail.
I have a weird habit, when I'm nervous, I point out physical features of people. I don't know why I was nervous, but I just was. The bus started moving and we were off.
I felt the bus stop, and heard the door open. Everyone grabbed their stuff and squeezed down the isle. For some reason, Tj and I always get separated from each other, so before we stand up and go out, we agree on where we meet after school and move on with our day.

I had just gotten out of the bus, "Ugh, forgot my backpack..." I groaned waiting for everyone to get off he bus to get it. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder and turned around to see the new girl holding my backpack, "Is this yours?" She said in a soft voice. I hadn't noticed her eyes before, they were a light shade of hazel. I could stare into them all day, and I would've if someone hadn't gotten pushed me over and make me pass out.
I woke up in the Nurses office, the girl sitting next to me.
"Oh good! You're awake..." She smiled, her teeth were perfectly straight and white. Man this girl was perfect.
"What happened?" I asked laying back down.
"I found your backpack on the bus, and asked you if it was yours. Before you could answer, someone came off the bus and knocked you over, then you passed out..." She grabbed the now warm icepack off my head, and put it in the freezer, grabbing another one and putting it on my head. "The nurse said that you can't go back to class until 3rd period, and it's 2nd period right now.
'Great' I thought to myself, "First day of high school and I already getting knocked out, and miss my first two classes. Could this day get any worse?'
Once 2nd period was over, and the nurse asked me some questions to make sure I was good. I headed to my 3rd period class, Art.
Mr. Valdez was the art teacher, he was really nice and gave me tips on how to improve my drawings. Most of the class, I was working with him on a drawing I had been working on for the past week. When 3rd period was over, it looked better than ever. I thanked him and moved unto my 4th period, Gym...
Luckily Tj and I have gym together, so that's a bit better. We also had gym with the new girl, I still didn't get her name. The gym teacher had us play a round of boys versus girls dodgeball. Tj and I both planned to get out first thing and sit on the bench and talk.
We were watching the game, and the new girl was good. She moved so fast, like her life depended on it or something. I watched her throughout the whole game. When the game ended, the girls won. I grabbed a bottle of water and brought it to her, "I never got your name..." I asked as she took a drink of water.
"Oh sorry, I'm Georgia, and you are?" She took another drink of her water.
"I'm Jackie, you played so well" I smiled
Her cheeks were pink , I couldn't tell if she was just hot and tired, or if she was blushing, she had the blushing look on her face though. Tj came up behind me and made me fall backwards, he caught me and I kicked his shin. I heard a small laugh from Georgia.
The gym teacher let us talk and make friends at the end of class.
"Do you want to join us for lunch Georgia?" Tj asked sitting on the bleachers.
"Sure!" She said smiling
Tj elbowed me in the side, "You like her don't you..." He whisper
"I just met her today!" I whispered back
"So? You still like her..." He whispered again
"Oh whatever..." I rolled my eyes.
The bell rang, which indicated it was time for lunch. The three of us walked to the lunch room, got food, and sat down.
We started talking and somehow the conversation came to our sexualities.
"I'm gay" Tj laughed
"Oh, I'm lesbian..." Georgia said, Tj elbowed me in the side, and Georgia laughed.
"What about you Jackie?" Georgia asked.
"I don't really like to talk about it..." I said looking at my half eaten food.
"You shouldn't be ashamed of it!" Georgia said twirling her hair with her finger.
"I-I'm Bi..." The words just came out of my mouth. I felt the world stop, then play, everybody was yelling at me to pick a side. I closed my eyes again and Georgia and Tj were staring at me, I knew it was a dream, but it felt to real I wanted to cry. Georgia saw that and walked around the table to hug me. Her face a few inches from mine. When she let go and walked back to her spot, my face was bright pink.
I heard Tj's faint laughed and turned around and elbowed him in the rib.
After lunch, I had science, study hall, free period and math.
The day went by like normal, until free period. I headed outside to sit on the curb and play on my phone for a bit, but when I got out there I saw Georgia. I went over to her and sat by her, "Hey!" She said looking at me.
"Hey..." I replied, no one was outside except for us. She got up and picked a pink flower out of the ground, she sat back down and made me turn my head. She put it in my hair and smiled. I blushed a bit and resisted the urge to kiss her. When free period was over, I headed to the last class of the day, math. Turns out the teacher got sick and had to go home. So I got another free period. I decided to go to the art room and see if Mr. Valdez has a class.
————————————————————————I peered through the window and saw him at his desk. I knocked on the door and opened it slowly.
"Hey Jackie!" He smiled as I walked in the door.
"Hi Mr. Valdez, the math teacher got sick, so they let us have another free period. I was wondering if we could work on my drawing." I noticed the pictures he had hanging up around his desk.
He seemed to notice I was interested in the pictures, "These are pictures of my husband." He said taking one down and handing it to me.
"You're gay?" I said in disbelief
"Yep!" He smiled, "So about the drawing, you can come here anytime to work on your drawing. Even if I'm not in here, I always put the key behind the canvas in the doorway.
So if the door is locked, just use that key!" He got up and grabbed his pencil set, he handed me them and a paper showing what each pencil looked like on paper. We headed to a table and sat down.
"So are you drawing anyone specific?" He asked opening the container of pencils.
"No, not really." I replied, studying the picture.
"Jackie, when you first asked me to help with the drawing, it looked like a random person. Now.. it's starting to look like someone at this school."
I studied it harder, "Who?" I asked, putting the paper down.
"Have you ever heard the name Georgia Peterson?"
I blushed at the thought of her and looked at the picture again. I was drawing her!
"Do you like her Jackie?" He asked, laughing.
"I- I don't know Mr. Valdez..." I answered, looking at the drawing again.
Just then the bell rang.
"You think about that question Jackie, and answer it again tomorrow." He grabbed the pencils and put them away.
"Bye!" I said as I walked out the art room door.
When I made it to the bus, Tj had many questions for me, but one stuck out, one I couldn't answer.
"Why is there a flower in your hair?"
"No reason" I tried to laugh it off, but Tj knew something was up.
"Jackie... who gave you the flower? Was it Georgia?" He said with a smirk
I elbowed him, "So it is..." He laughed
"Shut up"

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