Chapter 16 - Haywire

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It was the day of the trail. For the last few days everyone had been trying to distract Dani and keep her mind off the trail. The trial started at 9am and everyone knew that it was going to be a long day. Ryan was downstairs talking to Travis as Dani finished getting ready upstairs.
"You ready kiddo?" Ryan asked as Dani came down the stairs and into sight of both him and Travis.
"Yeah, let's get this over with." Dani sighed, pulling on her blazer jacket and picking up her purse. Ryan opened the front door and held it open for the teen before he walked out followed by Travis. They all got into Travis' car. Dani had asked to drive as she wanted to keep her head clear until they got there. Carefully pulling off the driveway, they headed to the courthouse where the trial would be taking place.

It wasn't long before the day began. Dani was first on the stand. Her lawyer started by asking her about her time in care and when she went to live with the Bennetts etc. After that, it was time to hear about what really went down with Mr Bennett.
"Tell us what happened between yourself and Mr Bennett." The defendants lawyer, Vince Marchello, asked the teen. Dani thought for a second before she spoke.
"He used to touch me and force me to do things..." Dani explained calmly.
"Why didn't you stop him?"
"I was 11, so I didn't really know what was going on. He also used to threaten me." Dani stated.
"How did he threaten you? Would did he used to say?" Marchello questioned, trying to get Dani's take on things.
"He had a daughter – Lara. She was only six. He said if I didn't do what he wanted that he'd hurt her. I didn't want that to happen so I did what he wanted." Dani explained as the memories flashed through her head. Taking a deep breath to keep herself calm, Dani fiddled with the ring on her finger under the bench.
"Did he force you to have sex with him?" Marchello asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes." Dani said quietly.
"How many times?"
"Too many." Was all Dani replied, not knowing the true answer as it had happened a lot.
"Miss Flanigan – Dani, why didn't you tell anyone what was happening?" Marchello asked, changing the tone of his voice.
"Like I said before, I was 11. I didn't really know any different. I didn't know it wasn't normal." Dani explained, feeling a bit like an idiot, even though she knew it was okay.
"Why wait until now to talk about? Why not tell someone earlier?" Marchello asked, wanting to see her response.
"I had to once they found out who sent the note. Officer Tanner could tell that something was wrong when he told me the name. Before then I just wanted to forget it all and not re-live it." Dani explained, trying to ignore the memories that were flashing through her head at that exact moment. For the next twenty minute, Dani's lawyer and the defendants lawyer, asked Dani questions. Once they were satisfied by what they had heard, they moved onto questions Ryan and the detectives who were in charge of Dani's case.

"Officer Tanner, how do you know Miss Flanigan?" Marchello asked once Ryan was on the stand.
"I first met her at her school on a careers day. She was crying so I wanted to make sure she was okay. I dealt with a bullying problem she was having at the time." Ryan explained first.
"And after that?"
"Well, she's friends with another teen that I keep my eye on. Both have had some issues to do with school and personal life. I just did what I could to keep them out of trouble." Ryan continued to explain.
"But it's still unclear as to why you got so close to the teen." Marchello stated.
"I'm good friends with her dad, Travis Montgomery. He's a firefighter a station 19." Ryan clarified, getting slightly annoyed with this lawyer.
"Is it correct that you found Miss Flanagan after her overdose nearly a year ago?" Marchello asked. Ryan didn't answer as Dani's lawyer stood up.
"Objection! Your honour, this had no relevance to the case." Mr Gallagher called out.
"Sustained. Either rephrase your question or move it along Mr Marchello." Judge Buckley stated.
"Is that why you're close to the teen?" Marchello asked Ryan, moving it along.
"Yes. One of the reasons." Ryan answered. Mr Marchello moved it along and asked Ryan some more questions before they swapped Ryan out for one of the detective on the case - Elliot Marsh. Dani was trying to follow along with everything that was happening but she was also trying to keep her nerves steady. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and it was very unsettling. At one o'clock, the judge called for a 45 minute lunch break. As soon as she could, Dani went outside and got some fresh air. She just wanted it all to be over.
"Here. You need to eat something."  Jack said coming up to the teen who was sat alone outside and handing her a sandwich.
"What are you doing here?" Dani asked, knowing everyone was on shift.
"We decided it was best for one of us to be here. Everyone said I should come as they seem to think we're closer than you and the others." Jack explained laughing the last bit.
"Well thanks." Dani said opening the food.
"You know this is all going to work out right?" Jack said nudging the teen.
"Yeah. I just don't think I can sit through much more of this." Dani sighed.
"You're kidding right?" Jack asked. Dani looked at him.
"You're one of the strongest people I know. Nobody should have to go through this, especially someone your age. You're gunna get through this kiddo." Jack told the teen seriously.
"Thanks Jack." Dani smiled, as she leant against his shoulder. Dani and Jack stayed outside for twenty minutes before they headed back inside. Dani spoke with Ryan and Dani before she spent the rest of the time talking to her layer. At 13:50, the hearing started back up again. This is the part of the day that Dani had been dreading most. It was time to bring Bennett onto the stand. As he stood up and walked over to the bench, Dani resisted the urge to throw up as he gave her a look. Dani tried to focus by playing with the ring on her finger under the table. She hardly listened as he was questioned by both her lawyer and his. After nearly twenty minutes of questioning, he was finally pulled from the stand.
"I'd like to ask Miss Flanigan one final question." The judge declared.
"After that I think we have heard enough to make a decision." He added, looking at the panel who nodded in agreement. Dani took deep breath as she stood up.
"No need to approach Miss Flanigan. You can just stay there, this will only take a minute." The judge said stopping her. Dani smiled slightly and stayed standing where she was next to her lawyer.
"Miss Flanigan, what do you want to come from today?" The judge asked taking the teen by surprise. She took a second to think before she answered.
"Truthfully, I just want him to face the justice he deserves. He hurt me and who knows if he hurt anyone else. I want today to be over so I can move on with my life. I haven't had the easiest year and I won't let something like this defeat me. No matter what the outcome is today, I'm going to move on because I'm not going to let some low-life stop me from achieving in life." Dani answered from her heart. The judge nodded.
"Thank you Miss Flanigan." He said, gesturing for her to sit down which the teen did.
"We've heard enough. I'll convene with the panel and we'll return soon. You may remain in here. Please take Mr Bennett through to the secure room." The judge declared before he stood up and left. The panel followed closely behind him whilst the security guards took Mr Bennet out of the room.
"This is good right? That they didn't need to hear any more and that it didn't take that long?" Dani asked her lawyer.
"I can't say for definite, but normally, yes, that's a good thing." He told her. Dani nodded and smiled slightly as she got up and went to speak with Travis and the others to keep her mind occupied. The teen nervously waited with the others, ready for this to be over. However they weren't waiting long as the judge soon returned along with the panel. Dani sat back next to her lawyer as Mr Bennett was brought back into the room. Once everyone was quiet and ready, the judge declared that the trial had re-begun. There was a few tense moments as the judge ran through the formalities before he finally stated that it was time to here the verdict from the panel.
"Have the panel made their final decision?" The judge asked the lead panellist.
"Yes your honour." The lead panellist responded.
"And what is your verdict?"
"On the account of blackmail with the threat of violence and sexual abuse, we find the defendant, guilty. On the accounts of sexual abuse of a minor, we find the defendant, guilty. And finally, on the account of raping a minor, we find the defendant, guilty." The panellist listed off. Dani couldn't help but smile slightly as she sighed with relief.
"Upon these charges I sentence Mr Bennett to a 15 year imprisonment with bail available after 8 years." The judge declared before he tapped him hammer down on the desk. He stood up and left. Mr Bennett was escorted out by officers and Dani instantly thanked her lawyer before she ran over to Travis and gave him a massive hug.
"It's over." She mumbled against his chest.
"I'm so proud of you kiddo." He said before he placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"Well done kiddo." Ryan said giving the teen a hug next. Dani smiled as she then gave Jack a hug followed by Liam and Emma. After all the necessary paperwork had been done etc, Dani left with everyone.
"I think this calls for a celebration!" Emma exclaimed, pulling Dani by her arm. Dani looked at the others.
"Go on kiddo." Travis told the teen, nodding his head. Dani smiled even though she was confused and chucked Travis the keys to his car before she followed Emma to her dad's car which she had obviously borrowed for the day.
"Where are we going?" Dani asked getting in the passenger seat as Emma climbed into the driver's seat.
"Food." Was all Emma said, making Dani laugh a little.

After a short drive, Dani laughed once again as they pulled into the McDonalds drive-thru.
"What do you want?" Emma asked once they were next to order.
"Ermm, chicken nuggets." Dani grinned. Emma laughed at her friends childish behaviour as she pulled up next to the speaker. Emma ordered both of their meals, large of course, before she pulled round to the payment window.
"Let me-" Dani tried to say as she went to grab her purse.
"Nu-uh." Emma grinned as she waved a card around before scanning it. Once they had paid they waited to pull round to the collection window.
"Who's card it that?" Dani asked as they waited.
"My dad. He gave it to me this morning and told me to make sure you ate." Emma explained as they pulled up to the next window. They took their food and drinks and checked the order before they drove off. They ate in the car after Emma parked in the main carpark. Making chit-chat and listening to the radio as they ate, Dani laughed as her friend made stupid jokes. She was grateful to have friends like Emma.
"You're such an idiot." Dani laughed as Emma played with two chips before eating them.
"It made you laugh didn't it?" Emma teased making Dani shake her head as she sipped her drink.
"Thank you." She said to Emma.
"For what?" Emma asked slightly confused.
"For being my sister. You're a weirdo, but you're my weirdo and I couldn't be more grateful for that." Dani told Emma laughing slightly. Emma smiled and fist bumped Dani as they continued eating. After eating, they drove around the city, blasting music and singing along like idiots. Dani knew what Emma was doing but was grateful for the friendly act as it was just what she needed after the day she had had.

Sorry it took so long to update guys! I've been crazy busy with college work and took another break from writing but I'm back now and I want to say happy birthday to my soul-sister and fellow writer, ChloeOgradyXo She's 19 today. I know she probably wont read this until tomorrow because as she put it when I updated my other story earlier today, "I'll read when I'm sober". Haha! Anyways I hoped you have a great day Chloe! Thanks for reading guys, I'll try to update again soon! Emma Hunt belongs to ChloeOgradyXo . Some of court and trial stuff may not be accurate but just go with it. 😁😂


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