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Anika080503Thanks for reading and commenting♡

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"Good morning," I smiled as I made my way to the table. I'm sure everyone noticed how sloppy I looked with the bags under my eyes but nobody mentioned it. Thankfully. I had to do checkups on all the pups and I had a few pregnancy appointments today so I was in a hurry so I won't be late. "Morning," everyone mumbled back, too busy with their conversations. "How are you?" Renee wiggled her eyebrows," we haven't spoken in a while," she pointed out sadly but still kept her smile. She was someone I wanted to tell about finding my mate. But I needed to know Evander's intentions before I go around telling people. "I'm fine, you?" I lied.

Since Evander left three days ago I haven't been able to sleep. I've been tossing and turning all night and I couldn't get the angering image of Iris and Evander out of my head. It was like the universe wanted me to hurt. The flower he gave me was dead but I still kept it between the book I read during the day. I couldn't keep replaying our first conversation with just us.

However, I know things weren't going to be easy between us and I cannot have my hopes up. Whatever is happening, it doesn't seem like Evander wants me otherwise he would've claimed me. So should I keep holding on for him? "Now we can finally talk about Alpha Evander, he has gotten so much hotter since the last time I saw him," she gawked. My hands clenched under the table, White was threatening to release a growl. She needed to calm down. "Yeah, I know right!" I faked my excitement.

"You seem tired," she noticed, nibbling on her bottom lip. There was no point in denying it so I nodded. "I've been up learning chemicals," I lied so easily to her. Renee opened her mouth to say something when queen Usha interrupted," girls stop bickering and eat!"


After breakfast, Renee and I went our separate ways. I began to work fast at the hospitals. My favorite part was doing the ultrasounds for the expecting wolves of the pack.

I used to be so excited to have a baby with my mate in the future. And now...

"Hey," Renee smiled at me as she walked into the hospital, pulling me out of my thought. I eyed her weirdly and wondered if she knew what she was doing. Though I mentally thanked her for stopping my sad absurd thoughts. "What are you doing here, Ren?" I asked and watched as she got comfortable, leaning against the counter. "We're going to the club," she shrugged, twirling her finger in the can of pens I had at the front desk. "Sorry what?" I asked the princess in front of me. Renee rolled her eyes at my behavior," I thought you love parties?" She lifted her brows.

I do but they were getting a bit boring since I used to go to them all the time with Renee, my best friend. We haven't in a while since we both got caught up in work. Leading to the past week with Evander. Seeing my mate claim someone else as his mate and seeing that he already marked her. It hurt me too badly and the emotions were overwhelming. I could really use a numbing night. "No, I was shocked since we haven't been out in a while but I would love to," I smiled, shaking my head. Renee cheered and did her party dance. "I thought you were going to say no, honestly," she admitted with a laugh.

"What time?" I asked her and looked at my phone. It was six in the evening. "In the next hour so I think we both should go get ready," she said in a panic. My eyes widened and I began packing up everything.

We both got home five minutes later and I rushed to wash my hair. I had no time to curl it so its natural straightway would just have to work. While drying my hair I found a cute outfit. I needed a distraction tonight and I was demanding on getting it so I had to dress the part.

I was feeling powerful in my skin. I loved the outfit and it showed off all my curves. The tight and short dress hugged me perfectly and had a button going down the middle leading to a small slit that allowed me to walk perfectly. The matching jacket over it ended above my waist and did a great job in showing off the lace tube top with thin noodles sleeves I had on. Wearing this outfit also meant I had to be very careful with unmated males tonight. Sure we were sneaking into human clubs but we weren't usually the only ones. And there was one rule, you don't tell on us and we won't tell on you.

I was putting on my diamond hoops when I sensed his presence. I already had my heels on as well as my makeup that was coming out of my natural side. I did a bold eye that brought out my eyes with an eye-catching bright red lip.

I was feeling good about tonight.

My whole body froze and I slowly turned around. I had no idea why I did because now we both were staring at each other. Evander looked tired and sleep-deprived. His hair was ruffled and I wondered how many times he ran his fingers through his hair. His shirt had creases and the sleeves were messily folded up his arms. There were even light dark circles under his eyes.

Damn him for still looking incredibly sexy.

I actually stopped breathing for a second, just to admire him.

"Where are you going?" He asked bluntly, his eyes down my body slowly. They settled on my bare thighs and my exposed chests before his darken eyes met mine. "Out," I simply stated and pretended as if I was okay. He came back. Just like he promised. But now I was embarrassed over our last interaction. "Where?" He asked again. I sighed and turned around to clip my earrings, I prayed he was gone when I turned around but unsurprisingly, he was still there. "Tell me why you left first," I offered, looking him in his eyes. Evander fidgeted, already knowing he couldn't tell me.

"You need to leave," I insisted, I didn't want him to ruin my night. He was already starting to. A smirk tugged his lips as he spoke," you weren't saying that last time in Jayden's room." He just had the nerve to bring up that stupid hug. "Fine, then I'll leave," I said angrily as I grabbed my small clutch that already had my money and phone before pushing past him and leaving.

Stupid tingles.

They don't know when to stop.

I felt on edge as I walked down the staircase. Thankfully, I didn't run into Kira or Brandon. I wondered if they even came along. When I spot Renee waiting for me at the castle's entrance. I plastered a fake smile across my face and walked to her.

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