What is Love

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Micheals POV

"Ennard I'm home" I yelled while I took of my jacket and shoes by the door.

"Ok, I am watching an old recording of 'Day's of Our Lives'."

I sat on the couch beside him. " 'The Young and Restless' is on in 15 minutes you want me to get the butter and popcorn" he is obssesed with exotic butters. I don't think he can taste them though.


I walk to the kitchen and put the popcorn in the microwave and open the fridge. I looked around a little until i found the butter.

I waited around the kitchen until the popcorn is done.
(100 words down)

I put the popcorn in a bowl and brought the food to the living room.
"I think I have time to change I will be right back"

Ennards Pov

Eggs, I mean Micheal, left for his room. I continued watching the show. I like whatching these shows with Micheal. One; he likes them so i do two; they help me understand emotions. The only one I dont know is love... I will ask Micheal later tonight I think.

Speaking of, he comes out of his room wearing his normal sleep clothes, no shirt and long pants that are a little big on him. "You ready, En"

"Yes" I like lookimg at him without a shirt. He is actually rather muscular.
(230 words) I don't understand the emotion I'm feeling but I like it.

He started the show and sat down. I started eating the butter. I can't taste it but i like the sesation more than any other food. I pay attention to the screen and try to figure out what love is.

*le time skip brought to you by the cuphead rap and 300 words*

Apparently love is where you kiss and fight in the bed? (Hehehe) Well im glad im not in love with eggs because i would definitely win. ( we know who is top hehehe) I don't think that's what love is though I'm going to ask him before he goes to sleep.

After the episode I followed him to his room we bothe sat on his bed.

"What do you want Ennard."

"I have a question that has been messing with my mind for a while now."

" uggh what is it Ennard"
"Just spit out Ennard I want to go to sleep."

"What is Love"

"Hmmm that's (400 yes) a hard question. I don't really know"

"What does Love feel like"

"Well one day you will meet someone who will see the universe that was knitted into your bones, and the embers of the galaxies will glow to life in your eyes and then you will finnaly know what it feels like."

A/n 455 words omg i love this already even tho no one will read it probably 😢

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