Part 1🖤

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I never gave much thought to how I was going to fall in love and with who I was going to fall in love with. I have never really been focused too much on love since my mother left my father and I. I've only been focused on my studies and my father. I'm not your ordinary 18 year old young lady. I'm different and I think this because he's always traveling for days for months at a time. He's always was busy with meetings.

I have lived with my father my whole life and it wasn't until I graduated from high school that he sent me to live in Korea. I didn't argue with him because I knew that he wasn't good in health and I knew he wanted to protect me. So I did what he told me and it's been almost 3 years since the last time I saw him. We used to talk on the phone everyday and I always feel worried when I hear his tired voice. I miss him so much but I love my father to death. He passed away last year and I'm still getting used to him being gone.

My father is a very important person. He has his own business and is very known around the world. Ever since I could remember, I always had bodyguards or as he would call them "his men" following me everywhere. From home to school, to birthday party's, etc. I didn't pay much attention to it as a kid but as I got older, he intensified the protection. It went from being outside the house to outside my room. Since I don't live with him anymore, I don't have bodyguards and I have more freedom. I chose not to have bodyguards and my father didn't like that. He was scared that something would happen to me but I told him that he has nothing to worry about. Before I left, I took some self defense classes. This gave my father relief and some peace.


Today is my birthday and I turn 19. It's the first time in 19 years that my father is not here to wish me a happy birthday or I don't get to hear his voice. I sat on my bed playing back the memories I had with him and I couldn't hold back my tears. I spent a good 15 minutes crying while looking at photos of us until there was a knock at my door. It was very weird cause I wasn't expecting anyone or anything. So I grabbed the knife that I had in my nightstand and made my way to the door. My father has always told to me to be care whenever I answer the door. I reach the door and ask who it is and person says "It's me, Josh". Josh was a long time friend to my father and he was an uncle to me in a way. I open the door and he hands me a box and tells me that he has to go. I close the door and place it on my desk. I take the knife in my hand and open it. When I open the box the first thing I see is a letter and I knew it was from him by his handwriting. I opened the letter and it read.

"If you are reading this is because I am no longer with you. I know that you're childhood was revolved around protection but as a famous business man, there are people who want to take me down and that would mean hurting you, my world, my little girl. Now you're older and I know that you can take care of yourself. Since you are my only child that would mean you would inherit the business and my fortune. The choice is yours, you don't have to keep the company, it would go to Josh but you would continue to receive money if you wanted. Let Josh know as soon as possible and you are free to do whatever you want. I love you"

Tears were falling from my face as I closed the letter. Now I understand why the bodyguards, he was scared of losing me. I placed the letter down and looked through the box. It was mainly everything I liked. Candy, plushies, hoodies but there where two things that caught my attention, there were two smaller boxes. I grabbed the smaller box and open it. There was a bracelet and on the back we're my initials. I put the bracelet on and just smiled. My father had also given me a necklace for my 18th birthday that I never take off. Then I take the second box and place it on my bed and open it. Inside the box were pictures of the two us.

I looked through the pictures until I checked the time and saw that I needed to get ready for work. I work at a cafe that is 15 minutes away. After getting ready in 10 minutes, I grabbed my things and headed for the door. I arrived at my work when I was greeted by all of my coworkers. Since it was my birthday, they all wished my a happy birthday and we started to do our work. I spent all day taking orders, serving food, cleaning and more. Now it was closing time and I finished cleaning and I closed the shop.

I had been walking for about 5 minutes when I start to feel uncomfortable. It felt like something was following me. I stop in my tracks and turn around and I see no one there. I keep walking and I am almost home when I get the feeling again but this time I turn my head and I see nothing. I was starting to get worried so I decided to take a detour to fool who ever it is. I turn the corner and I keep walking in different directions but still in range of my apartment. I do this for about 10 minutes and I don't feel uncomfortable anymore. I start walking back towards my apartment when I feel someone grab me.

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