I Hate Exams

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Izuku felt as if his was spiraling out of his control as the No.1 hero was invading his life and making his personal goal to change Izuku view and make him into a fine hero, while Izuku hated every second of it, and cause of All Might busy life he asked for help from Aizawa who was the hero Eraserhead to lead him a hand to watch and train him, as nearly 5 months has passed and Izuku was halfway way done thanks to Aizawa keeping an eye on him so he wouldn't slack off, as we speak Aizawa added to Izuku training as he deck the fuck out of Izuku's gut.

“Oh God… that fucking hurts, you dick” said Izuku holding his stomach.

“Well get used to it, there are villains that hit harder than me” said Aizawa.

"That's fantastic" said Izuku sarcastically.

“Well thanks to the bit of muscle you've gained it should have absorbed some of the blow, it would have hurt more if we were back 5 months ago” said Aizawa.

"Thanks" said Izuku annoyed.

"Enough of chitchat back to training" said Aizawa.

Then Aizawa decked him again on the side of his face, it was an hour before Aizawa stopped beating the shit out of Izuku to teach him how to fight, but Izuku during all this could only think one thing. 

‘That fucking bastard is sadist’ Izuku thought.

But this was when he finally got the chance to see the time on his phone and saw that it was already 5PM.

“I fucking hate this, it's 5pm and cause it's the weekend I was forced to come her at 6AM in the morning, this makes 11 hours at this dump, how can life get any worse” said Izuku.

With a voice called out to him.

“Midori” said Mina.

This just made Izuku sigh.

‘Why the hell did I have to give her my name’ Izuku thought.

With that Mina made her way to Izuku as she smiled at him.

“So Midori I see you're still cleaning this place, you're such a good person, maybe that's why we're friends” said Mina.

“Okay first we're not friends, second for the love of God stop calling me Midori, and finally I am forced to clean this human garbage off a beach, so just leave me alone” said Izuku.

“Nope not happening” said Mina with a confident grin.

“Why won't you leave me alone?” said Izuku.

“Cause deep down under that jerk disguise is a big old softie, now give me a smile” said Mina.

With that Mina grabbed both of his cheeks and forced a smile on his face.

“There, we got a kinda smile” said Mina.

“Let go before I hit you right on the head” said Izuku.

“Okay fine party pooper” said Mina as she let go.

But this was when Mina realized something.

“Shoot I forgot I have to go somewhere, sorry but I have to leave early” said Mina.

“Really, don't leave” said Izuku sarcastically.

“I know you'll miss me after all we're friends, see ya Midori” said Mina.

With that she left and Izuku let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank god she is gone” said Izuku.

But then out of nowhere someone put a collar on Izuku's neck, just for him to turn and find Aizawa.

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