Why do I need sleep

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When they got to The twin gild letters home the twin showed Ricarro his temerary then  went to there shared room to sleep. But in the middle of the night they heard taping from the gest room Ricarro was staying in. So went to check it out. When they entered the room  they saw Ricarro fully awake up and down on the bed.

Richie said in a stern voice: Ricarro you should be asleep 

Ricarro a little confused: Why do I need sleep?

Brandon: What why are you not tired?

Ricarro: I am a demon sleep is for fun or if I have extra time! I like naver run out of energy!

Richie: If you go to sleep we will go in to town with you

Ricarro: Ooh ok!! Night

Both twins: Night Ricarro

What none of them new was that they where being watched by anther pare of twins E.Richie also nown as Rein and E.Brandon also nown as Brandeen. The pare of stockers could only think

    " The little one will belong to us tonight"

Sorry for not post for this story in a while and sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger Love your friend Kitty 

194 Words    May 31 2020

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