Goodnight, Morioh

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scenarios of aquaphobia and claustrophobia. mentions of death, blood, and mutilation.


Goodnight, Morioh

A yawn escaped Hayato's lips. His slim fingers brushed against his ginger locks, which were still wet. As he trudged down the hallway, the delicious scent of breakfast reached his nostrils. His mouth watered, and he swiftly jogged downstairs.

"Good morning, Hayato," a sweet, mellow voice greeted him. Standing at the dining table was his sister. A dirty, worn-out apron was slung around her neck and waist. One of her hands held a spatula coated in oil, and the other held a plate of freshly-cooked bacon.

"Come eat. The food will get cold."

A variety of dishes lay on the dining table; omurice, perfectly-cooked eggs, and pancakes covered in syrup and melted butter.

"Wow, you got up early," Shinobu said, brushing past Hayato and making herself comfortable on one of the seats. "And prepared an extravagant meal. What's up?"

(y/n) chuckled. "Got up on the right side of the bed," she hummed before disappearing into the kitchen.

Hayato slowly descended down the stairs, nearly tripping when Kosaku walked past him. He slipped, falling on his rear, holding onto the wooden railing for dear life. He glared daggers at his father, who didn't even pay him a glance. The man merely walked towards the dining area, sitting himself on a chair.

What a great way to start the day.

Hayato eased his breathing and, shakily, propped himself up. He trudged down the remaining steps with wobbly legs. Once he'd reached the dining area, he plopped himself on a chair, a frown on his visage.

This earned a sigh from Shinobu and... nothing from Kosaku. Of course.

"Cheer up," (y/n) returned with her hands full of steaming cups of coffee. She gently places the porcelain mugs on the table, and placed a hand on her brother's shoulder. She smiled at him, her eyes brimmed with warmth. Hayato's nerves loosened, and he found himself smiling as well.

Her grin grew wider. "Well, eat up!"

She waltzed onto her seat and watched as her family took small bites of her cooking. She had to refrain from squealing when she saw her mother's eyes widen. Shinobu gave her a thumbs-up, unable to speak due to her mouth being full. The gesture was more than enough.

Then, (y/n) turned to her father, anxious for his reaction. Kosaku brought a spoonful of food to his mouth. One of his brows raised, and he quickly took another bite, and another, and another... until his plate had been wiped clean.

(y/n)'s heart burst. At least she got a good reaction from him (and it was a first). He seems to enjoy her cooking as well.

There was only one member of the household who's reaction she hasn't seen yet.

She diverted her gaze towards Hayato, who was reaching for the plate of eggs. His plate was already clear, and tiny bacon crumbs stuck on his chin. He flinched when they locked gazes.

"I- I, um, I-" he gulped. "It's delicious."

"Yeah, you should wake up on the right side of the bed more often!" Shinobu laughed. (y/n) found herself giggling, soon being followed by Hayato chuckling. The table fell silent when Kosaku cleared his throat.

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