Chapter 8

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In the moments before the window had come crashing in, my mother was talking to me. "Anzu, I know that you're curious, but after dinner, and you open your present, I will tell you about your father," she had stated softly. 

Then, the window came flying in, and the demon went soaring towards my mother, with an outstretched clawed hand as it grasped her head, and ripped it off with one swift motion, her blood splattering across the floor. 

I held my breath, and I couldn't even let out a scream. 


I looked around as I stepped up the stairs, a few others walking up with me, some ahead of me, and some behind me. I took a deep breath, the scent of wisteria flowers swirling around me nose, leaving me quite satisfied. 

Although the only thing that had me feeling off was how much hotter it was here, than on the mountain where I was training, I missed the cold. I made my way all the way up, not in any rush to get there. When I made my way up, there were a few notable people there already. 

Only 2 people to be exact, a girl, with purple eyes and dark hair that was up in a bun, she wore white. Then there was a boy, he looked mildly irritated, with a mow-hawk and dark eyes. I had watched as more and more participants stepped in. 

One more stood out to me as he stepped in. He was wearing a yellow haori, that faded to orange, with white triangles along it. He had light brown eyes and blonde hair. Although one thing being his appearance was off, but he seemed afraid, and was shaking. 

I ignored him. 

Waiting a bit longer, the amount of participants filtering in slowed down, until one final boy stepped in. He had dark red hair, and lighter red eyes, with a burn scar up on his forehead. Wearing a black and green checkerboard haori. 

I stared at him, he seemed slightly different from the other applicants in the area, more.. mature. 

I then perked up slightly as I heard two voices speak in sync, as I look over at a pair of two twins each wearing wisteria flower kimonos, one with black hair, and the other with white hair. "Everyone.." they spoke with a pause, "we thank you for coming here tonight. To the Demon Slayer Corps Final Selection." 

Then, the black haired twin ceased speaking, "There are demons imprisoned here on Mount Fijukasane, captured alive by the demon slayer swordsmen, and unable to leave." Then the black haired twin began to speak, and the white haired one ceased,

"That is because wisteria, which demon's hate so much, blooms year round from the bottom to halfway up the mountain."  Then the white haired twin began speaking. 

"However, there is no wisteria from this point on, and so demons abound." The white haired  twin stopped talking, and the black haired one continued.

"You'll need to survive here for seven days to pass the final selection."

The two then began speaking in sync as they bowed towards all of us, "And now, be on your way." 

With that, each of the participants, including myself, stepped into the sanctuary of devils. 




The forest was deep, dark, and thick. Barely any moonlight shone through the tops of trees, I took deep concentrated breaths as I ran through the forest, clutching the hilt of my sword, ready to draw it at any moment. 

Then, to my left, slightly behind me, the soft crunching of the forest gave it away as it leapt towards me. I dodged out of the way with wide eyes. 

I heard the window shatter. 

 I had lost concentration from my breathing with wide, fearful eyes, its claws grazing my mask. The demon, its bones grasped tautly by its purplish gray skin. It stared at my with bulging yellowish orange eyes. Its scalera, yellowed and red from sleep deprivation. 

I regained my breath, as the demon lunged towards me again, but for some reason, no matter what, my body wouldn't move as I clutched my eyes closed tight, await the pain, but it never came as I heard a soft thump.

I slowly opened my eyes as I saw the demon's head at my feet, slowly disintegrating into ash. My savior, a boy with black hair and dark brown eyes. "You should watch yourself, that demon would have gotten you if I weren't around," he chuckled, sheathing his sword. 

"Y-yeah, thank you..!" I breathed out, nodding towards him. 

"So, are you and that kid with the fox mask travelling together or something?" He asked, stepping a bit closer to me. 

I thought for a moment, then heard a little ding in my mind when I remember the kid with red hair from earlier. Suddenly remembering the fox mask he was wearing. 

"No, we are not, I have no idea who he is," I chuckled a bit. "My teacher said that by wearing this mask, Inari will protect me, maybe that's why that kid's also wearing one..?" I suggested after a moment of thinking.

"That could be it," he responded, as he began walking away without another word, and for some reason, I followed him. 

I sort of wish I didn't. 

As I followed him, he had talked a lot more, slaying demons left and right as they approached us. I had learned that his name was Tooru Fujikawa, and he had decided to become a demon slayer after a demon had killed his best friend. 

He was slightly older than me by 2 years, so 18. 

"Neh, Anzu, why did you decide to become a demon slayer?" He asked, as I opened my mouth to speak, I heard a soft rustling from behind me, knowing how to react at this point, I dodged out of the way as I drew my sword. 

Although as I moved out of the way, the demon landed briefly, and lunged at Tooru, knocking him to the ground, I didn't even get to hear him scream as the demon tore into his throat, with it's long claws. 

I stared at him with wide eyes and without hesitation I breathed out, yelling "Breath of Snow: Ice Flurry!" Leaping up into the air I felt the snow and ice chill around my sword as I brought it down onto the demons neck, slicing it's head clean off. 

Then demon slumped over my friend as I stared at his body, feeling desolate inside.

I wish I was the one dead on the ground instead. 

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