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"bella sweetheart!" I heard my mum call me, "we need to go see your aunt elena if you are leaving for forks tomorrow!"

"coming mom!" I took a deep breath through my nose and looked back at the screen on my laptop, I was currently talking to the real reason I'm moving back to forks.

don't get me wrong, there is a few reasons why I'm moving back, one of them is my dad, he has just remarried to a women named sue, and she has two kids, Seth and Leah.

Leah is my age and we act like real sisters most of the time.

Seth is a few years younger, but not by much, he is a cheery kid, always smiling no matter what, infact I can only think of one time he wasn't smiling... when his father had passed of a cardiac arrest.

but mainly my reason was based on one person, Edward Anthony Cullen. we had accidently stumbled across each other on Facebook about nine months ago, and have been talking ever since, he lives in forks and when I found that out I begged my mother to let me move there. her, thinking I was going for my father agreed, but not before five months of arguing and begging.

'going to see some family members before I head to forks, I'll text you later?' I sent to Edward.

'make sure you do! jk, I would like if you did though... talk to you soon beautiful :)' he sent back. I sighed and shut my computer.

"BELLA!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"coming mom!" I sighed and jumped up, running down the stairs at a sprint off to see the last of my relatives before I go to my dads tomorrow..


"bella?!" I heard my dad call as I got off the plane. "is that you?! Im over here!"

"hey dad!" I called back making my way through the crowd and coming face-to-face with my father, cheif swan. he wrapped me into a bear hug.

"i missed you !" he said awkwardly.. my father isnt one to talk about his feelings.

"i missed you to dad!" I said awkwardly. he opened my door for me and I climbed in. after about fifteen minutes of silent driving my dad finally spoke.

"your hair is longer," he observed.

"I .. uhm... I cut it the last time I saw you." I said.

"well.... I guess it grew out again." I bit my lip and endured the rest of the drive home


"wake up!" I heard someone call me, I opened my eyes to find Leah.

"where ... where am I?" I asked groggy. Leah laughed at me slightly.

"don't be stupid belly bean! were at your dads, well... in the car next to your dads house..." she trailed off looking around, I yawned and stretched.

"right, well... I better go get settled." I stood up and grabbed the rest of my bags, walking off towards the house, Leah escorted me to my bedroom, her bedroom turns out to be right next to mine..

I spent two and a half hours straightening out some stuff in my room but then got bored and went downstairs to see Seth who was just coming home.

"BELLA!" he called with a huge grin on his face, running towards me with his arms open. I shrugged slightly to myself, eh, what the hell.

"SETH!" I called back, running towards him with my arms out wide. we met in the middle and hugging each other tightly.

I love Seth, he has always been like the brother I never had... I never wanted a little brother but I always wanted a bigger one, one to take care of me, to protect me, but I love Seth, and probably wouldnt traide him for anything.... yet... ask me again in a few days.. after I've met and aquained with Edward.

I'm not a person for looks but I wonder what he will look like... I know he is the sweetest guy ever from what we've talked about on Facebook but he has not uploaded any photos online, so basically when I picture him I see his face as a big question mark...

what if he is a geek? ugly? nerdy? what if he turns out to be a psycho goth? ... I wouldn't care. over the past few months I dont think anything could change my feelings for him... nothing.

....but that didn't stop me from being nervous.

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