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During the pizza party held by Cyborg, Dick aka Nightwing stopped by since Kori asked him if he wanted some pizza also

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During the pizza party held by Cyborg, Dick aka Nightwing stopped by since Kori asked him if he wanted some pizza also.

After the party Damian walked towards to Raven

"Are you in top condition Raven?" Damian asked

"A bit full, thanks to the pizza" with a faint smile

"Then I suppose there's nothing to worry about since Trigon's attack"

Damian left and went to his room.

Garfield asked Jaime "Dude, am I dreaming or did Damian just asked if Raven is okay?"

Nightwing butted in "Give him some time. He's not really the most sociable person I know due to his childhood."

Cyborg replied "Just like the Bat himself."

"Indeed" Nightwing chuckled.

A few moments later, Cyborg and Nightwing bid farewell towards the Titans. Cyborg is needed in the Justice League. While Nightwing has something to do on Batman's request but they promised they will stop by again in the tower to have some pizza with them.


The next day, each of the Titans has their own agenda until the afternoon training. Raven is meditating in her room, Damian with his solo patrol and training while Garfield and Jaime are playing video games, As for Dick and Kori they're out shopping for the necessities in the tower.

The afternoon training started

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The afternoon training started. Kori wanted to try the new training style that Damian suggested. 2v1 combat since there's only five of them and they reflected that they got "smacked in the booty" by the Justice League during Trigon's attack as would Garfield would say.

The first match up was Robin vs Garfield and Kori. As they were warming up Garfield tried to do some trashtalking to Damian for him to lose composure.

"Are you ready to take this big fat L Boy Wonder?" Garfield laughingly shouted

Damian smirked "Just like what I did to you in the carnival Beast Boy"

Jaime shouted "DAAAAAAAAAMN. You just got burned BB"

"Enough! It is time for training"

Instead of being in the defensive side Damian went into offense right off the bat. He dashed towards to Beast Boy but Kori stopped him in his tracks with her startbolt. Damian threw three batarangs to keep her distracted but in the corner of his eye he saw Garfield rushing in as a lion. Damian jumped into the air and tried to do a karate chop towards Gar but he instantly transformed into a mosquito. Damian let out a flurry of slashes towards Garfield until he morphed into an elephant. Damian dodged and kicked Gar with all his might.

As Garfield morphs back into human form

Damian blurted out "Sloppy"

"Yeah you too" as he was shot by Kori's starbolt

Jaime and Raven went to Garfield

Jaime jokingly says "2-0"

"Not cool man" Garfield grumbled

Raven had a faint smile and went to Damian to check if he was okay

"I've had worse injuries than this" as Damian shrugs off the pain from Starfire's bolt

After a 5 minute break Round 2 of the training started

Damian angrily says "I can still keep on going"

Kori worried, decided to team him up with Raven versus Jaime and his Bug

Just as Round 2 starts Damian swiftly threw batarangs to Blue Beetle and lunged towards him. His pride and anger towards losing made him fight based on instinct.

Raven noticed that Damian is starting to get out of control. She formulated a plan on how to win in the training and also keeping Damian from rampaging further.

Raven kept Blue Beetle distracted by her blasts

Then Damian threw series of fighting combos that he learned from his grandfather and Batman. Blue Beetle got caught off guard with a kick. The beetle let out loud noises signifying that they're in danger.

"Oh no" Raven muttered

Raven remembered the incident when Damian first came into the Titans, she casted a shield towards Damian.

The shield protected him and waked him up into his senses

Raven collapsed due to being tired

"Dios Mio! I am sorry again Kori.... I"

"Training is enough for today. Everybody take rest, come Damian we must tend to her" as she carries Raven towards her room

Later that night

Raven woke up

"Is this my room?" she asked

"Correct deduction" Damian replied

"Kori stepped out for a moment to bring you dinner and some medication" he added

"It's nothing. I'm fine just tired"

"You are not fine. Lie down and rest" Damian insisted

Kori entered the room with some porridge and medicine

"Eat this Raven, to regain some strength. I'll check on Gar and Jaime's condition"

"Thanks Kori"

As Kori gets out of the room, Damian mumbled

"You're a great teammate. You possess good qualities in backing up. I hope to see more of that in action"

Then he left towards his room.

Raven smiled, and then began to eat her porridge.

Damian lied down in his bed and whispered "Why can't I say thank you properly" and went to sleep.

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