06. Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf [VinceFarz]

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T/W: Heavy Foot/Bone Trauma, Kidnapping, Graphic descriptions of gore and violence, monster fuckery

A/N: oh boy this is long, and look at that Snails almost wrote porn. Maybe I will if I break the law and do a part two to this.

Farz slipped through the trees, willfully going off the safe gravel path to Anthony's house. He knew he should stay on the path but there was way more wild life if he took the shortcut. Plus he knew his way around here so he couldn't get lost.

Farz skipped through the woods in the dead of night, almost concerningly unphased by the howling of the winds and the rattling of leaves. But he wasn't worried about it at all, rather prancing through the dirt and playfully hooting back at owls. He was normally one to stay quiet and shut in, but he was different when he was alone, he could let go and be comfortable.

Farz was happily walking through the woods, enjoying each step fully. Feeling the cool night air on his face and blowing his red riding hood upwards. He wasn't a horse rider but Anthony had gave it to him and it was comfy, so who cares?

A clearing in the tree branches let Farz look up at the sky, it was a full moon. It was really beautiful, Farz loved the moon. The night was his friend. It wasn't noisy or rude, it isn't make comments about his hair or personal hygiene.

He happily smiled up at the full moon in the sky and continued to skip along, humming and dancing with the shadows. There were no monsters so what was to be afraid of? Farz never feared the dark or the unknown, it just wasn't who he was.

Farz jumped on a hollow log hearing as it made a pretty drum sound for the song he was humming. and then jumped down, however only one foot felt like it hit the soft leaves littering the forest floor. The other one felt like it hit...metal, before Farz had time to process he heard a small click and the platform under his foot collapsing, then the sound of a metal door swinging open.

Before he knew it he felt sharp rusted metal teeth clamp down on his ankle. The jagged surface ripping through his skin and crushing the bone on both sides. White hot pain ripped through his flesh before becoming a drilling, gritting pain in his ankle. It felt like fire and brimstone all at once. It hurt like hell.

He let out a shrill scream that merged into sobbing. He fell over and kept screaming through his sobs. Tears rolling down his face and onto the forest floor as he scratched at it to distract him from the ungodly pain in his ankle.

Through his howling cries of agony he heard a powerful howl that wasn't from him, he looked off into the direction of the echoing howl bleary eyed, unable to see properly due to his tears and the pain. It was a big deep black shadow moving towards him and slipping through the trees. Farz never freaked himself out over shadows. So he just sat there and stared, sniffling and trying to hold back his cries to focus.

Farz didn't take the shadow seriously until it stopped right near him. and stared back at him with piercing silver eyes.

Farz's heartbeat picked up immediately, adrenaline coursed through his veins but as he went to get up and run he realized the mistake of trying to use his left ankle. The pressure made all the pain come flushing right back all at once as it felt like the bones in his foot scattered. Farz groaned in pain and collapsed back down, planting face first into the soil and leaves. Seeing the shadow take a step closer, becoming illuminated by the moonlight made him even more afraid. Farz began trying to crawl away, letting his legs trail behind him. Pathetically pulling his body with what little strength he had in his arms.

He heard a loud rumbling growl behind him and his heart dropped. It sounded like a lions roar. It felt like it physically shook him .He was suddenly frozen in fear, like a deer in headlights.

Between the roar and being able to thing again He had no clue how much time had passed. just him being frozen in fear, the creature behind him sizing him up like a meal. Before too long he felt the constant pressure on his ankle let up a bit for a second, then he heard a loud breaking noise accompanied by some springs popping and metal squeaking before his ankle was totally out of the trap. Farz didn't bother to look back or thank the creature. He was in survival mode. Farz used his arms to start to stand up and run away but just before he was all the way up a paw wrapped around his bad ankle and made him trip and hit the deck.

All the pain immediately rushed back to his ankle, he let out another scream as it felt like the broken bone in his ankle was being scrambled around by the creatures paw. That pain didn't let up either. Farz suddenly felt the ground underneath him begin to move. No. He was moving. He was being dragged by the ankle like a rag doll. His face and arms being carelessly dragged along the cold grass and earth.

Farz didn't know much about the creature but he sure as hell knew he didn't want to be where it was taking him. Farz started to weakly kick with his other leg but he was so out of fight. He just had to lay there and take being dragged over mud and rocks and fallen branches.

Farz lightly sobbed into the ground as he was dragged, sharp rocks cutting up his once white shirt and red riding hood. His arms and face now littered with cuts. His once red riding hood now brown and torn from being dragged across the ground.

Through his sobbing the creature eventually growled in inconvenience at how noisy Farz was being and pulled him off the ground and held him up by the ankle in front of its face. Farz's ankle was totally numb at this point, he couldn't remember what not being in pain felt like.

Farz couldn't get a good look at it through the tears. But it was black and furry with big ears and silvery eyes.

The creature sized Farz up for a second and then decided to throw Farz over his shoulder roughly, jostling Farz in the process his head felt like a rattling snakes tail. It was high up and far off the ground but it was better than being dragged across the forest floor. The creature had to be at least 8 feet tall.

Farz's eye lids became heavy as the aching in his head and the dulled pain in his foot became all he knew.

Farz felt like he was being carried somewhere he just couldn't care where. For all he knew that could be the last time he law light. But he didn't care, he didn't have the energy to care.

His eyes shut.

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