| Chapter One: We're over | Stan's P.O.V. |

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Just an average South Park day. The four boys are now young men in highschool. More mature? Probably not. Nothing has changed over the years really, just in-and-out of relationships. But for now, it's just an average day.

"Guys, guys! Guess what?" Cartman ran over to the bustop, last one there as always.

"What is it now, fatass?" Kyle sighed.

"I begged my mom for it all night, but I finally got the newest iPhone!" He was panting when he stood beside us.

"Wow, really?" Kenny said, but it was muffled by his hood.

"Yeah, this shit's got all the new features!"

"That's cool, I guess." I, Stan Marsh, shrugged.

"You guess?"

"Shut the fuck up, literally no one cares." Kyle raised his voice.

"Kenny does!" Cartman pointed at Kenny. Kenny only shrugged.

The bus pulled up and they got on one by one. Kyle and I sat together at the very back with Cartman in the seat across. Kenny sat in front of him. They were the peaceful bunch. Kenny spent the time on the bus playing games on his phone. Cartman usually ate and Kyle and I talked the whole time. Once getting off the bus and inside the school, we went to our lockers. Convieniently, ours were all beside each other's. Kenny took of his hood, and using a cheap mirror from the dollar store, combed his hair. It didn't really matter, because Cartman always messed it up before classes. I took out my books, and put them in a small bag. Kyle did the same. We had about five minutes until classes started, so Kenny drew out a ciggarette. Lighting it carefully, he drew a long inhale. Then, he puffed the smoke directly into Cartman's face.

"Aw, fuck you Kenny! That smells like cat shit!" He started coughing and swatting the air blindly. The other boys laughed.

"I'm going to start heading to class early you guys, goodbye." Kyle said, and started walking away.

"Fucking Jew, always gotta be early. Goodie-two-shoes." Cartman called out. Kyle flipped him off, then turned a corner.

"Why do you have to be such an asshole?" I turned to him.

"Whatever, fag." Cartman threw the ciggarette out of Kenny's hand.

"What the fuck dude?" Kenny shoved him.

"Let's go, Stan's being a girl."

"Psh, as if I would go with you. Stan and I have class together anyway," Kenny approached Stan. "See ya, fatass."

"You guys are fucking gaywads!" Cartman yelled, but we were already gone. We entered the classroom and before we knew it, the day had begun.

"Okay guys, today we'll be learning more about pi..." Our math teacher began teaching.

I looked over at Kenny, as usual he wasn't paying attention. In fact, he was writing "boobz" on the desk in permanent marker. Holding back my laugh, I started taking notes. 3.14159 is all I got, the rest was a blur. Soon, it was time for our next class. I had this class alone, so Kenny and I waved and then seperated. This class meant nothing to me. It was very boring, so most classes I would just stare out the window and think. Wendy. That was usually how it started. We have broken up many times, but we got back together again. I like her a lot... I think. In all honesty, I don't want to dump or get dumped. Wendy always wants to go on romantic evening dinners and stuff like that, but I'd rather sit at home and play video games with Kyle. Kyle didn't want anything from me, he never asked and likes me for who I am. Girlfriends always want you to change, and that's a fact. It's always "I wish you did more of this," or "Why can't you do that?" It's annoying, but I don't want to be the joke of the group. Kyle has never had a girlfriend, and the ones he's kind of had, he doesn't count. Kenny on the other hand, has been with many. Some may refer to him as a "fuckboy". He likes women for their breasts and asses, and somehow they find that more attractive than a good guy. He is a good friend though, Kenny would give you a leg if you needed it. Cartman... Well he doesn't last in relationships. He's too immature. I think he should man up and stop being such a fucking baby all the tim-

The lunch bell rang.

I left the class. not knowing a single thing that had been taught. As always, the four of us met up at our lunch table. When I got there, Kyle and Tweek were talking about homework. I sat down beside Kyle, and looked at my food. A decent lunch, I guess.

"So Stan, have you talked to Wendy lately?" Kyle asked, not making eye contact.

"Uh no. Why?"

"I saw her go into a lockeroom with Clyde today." Kyle said softly.

"What? Why would she go in there?"

"I don't know.. I didn't follow them inside, I needed to get to lunch. But they definetely were the only ones in there."

"Wait..." I looked around for Wendy, she was nowhere to be seen. And now that I think about it, Clyde hasn't arrived yet.

"Dude.." Kyle looked up at me.

"I'm going into the lockeroom to find them." I stood up, leaving my lunch. Kyle stood up too.

"I'll help look. I know which one they went in, anyway."

Kenny walked over to the table.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked, sitting down.

"Wendy and Clyde are in a lockeroom together... Alone." I said.

"Oh shit dude, go on ahead. Hurry though, they might come out soon." Kenny took a bite of his apple.

We left the cafeteria instantly, and headed to the lockerooms. Kyle said they were in the boys', so we entered.

"Clyde, I really should be going now. Stan might realise I'm gone." A high-pitched voice said frantically.

"One more kiss..?" A guy's voice said quietly, followed by the sound of a girl getting kissed on the neck.

"Okay, seriously Clyde, I have to go." The girl's footsteps headed closer to the two boys.

"Okay Wendy, see you later."

Before we knew it, Wendy was standing right in front of us, staring in fear.

"Oh, hi Stan. I was just talking to Clyde abou-"

"What the fuck was that?" I said, stepping closer to her. "Why the hell is Clyde kissing you?"

"Stan, I can explain."

"Explain what? You're cheating on me! With Clyde! Out of everyone, you chose the filthy asshole? I'm done Wendy, we're over." I said, looking at Kyle for a brief second.

"Wait, Stan, please!" Wendy begged, grabbing onto the sleeve of my sweater.

"No, don't fucking touch me." I grabbed her hand and gently took it off my arm. Looking over at Clyde, I flipped him off and then walked out. Kyle followed.

"Holy shit." Kyle watched the ground as he walked. 

"Thanks for telling me, Kyle. You're a great friend." I said, looking over at Kyle. For some reason, after saying those words Kyle looked hurt.

"Yeah, no problem..." Kyle sighed.

We entered the cafeteria again, and sat down.

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