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Taehyung followed them all the way to the restaurant getting a table close to them making sure they can't see him with a menu infront of him yugyeom smirked finally having jungkook on a date with him

After they ordered, jungkook drank his water avoiding eye contact yugyeom decided to try holding his hand

" Why won't you look at me in the eye? " Yugyeom says

" Because seeing you is making me feel disgusted.. I miss tae.. " Jungkook replies moving his hand

" Forget about him for a moment.. Plus you are too hot to be with someone like him.. "

" I think it's the other way around "

" What do you mean? "

" He's actually way hotter especially in bed.. "

" You guys had sex one time relax.. "

" Well when I go to his apartment it might be multiple times "

Taehyung laughs quietly making sure they don't hear him. After the eat, yugyeom paid then left with jungkook taehyung decided to leave as well still following them

" Can you take me to taehyung's apartment already? I want to go see him "

" Aw come on kook why don't we go elsewhere? "

" Thanks but my loyal boyfriend is waiting for me "

Taehyung laughs getting in his car leaving making sure then watches them keep talking as yugyeom put his hand on his ass about to get out the car but jungkook slaps him walking away from him

Taehyung smiled feeling his phone ring seeing jungkook answering it

" Hey baby what's up? "

" Can you come pick me up? "

" Sure baby I was actually heading to the store right now I can leave you at home if you want "

" No um.. can I stay with you? "

" Sure baby "

Taehyung was literally right here so brings the car where he was jungkook was confused as his boyfriend opens the door for him

" That was quick "

" What can I say? "

Jungkook smiles going into his car as the older shuts the door going inside himself then before he talked the younger pulled him close kissing him deeply pulling away afterwards

" I missed you.. "

" I missed you more.. "

After they go shopping, they go inside taehyung's apartment putting the stuff away then taehyung left him to do whatever he wants he was gonna workout

" Don't do anything stupid baby "

" I won't! "

Taehyung goes to his workout room closing the door then jungkook prances up the stairs showering then puts his old clothes away having a towel around his body looking through his boyfriends closet smiling

After a couple of hours, taehyung wipes his forehead with a towel going to check on jungkook he's been so quiet he walks out the room seeing nothing

" Babe? "

" I'm in the kitchen tae "

" What are you doing in the kitchen? " Taehyung says trailing off looking at him

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