new boy, Zuko Huǒ

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*story chapters are possibly being rewritten*
Zuko took a deep breath. He was standing at Ba sing se Highschool front doors. He looked back and saw his Uncle Iroh giving the teen a wide smile and driving off.

This was the third highschool he'd been too,

He had been living with his uncle for the past three years, ever since he had to been put in his custody. His father had been on trial for abuse accusations. While his uncle had proof, his father was the CEO of Fire Lord industries. He had hired the best to clear his name.

Despite the fact that his uncle has tried to tell him that the... Incident wasn't his fault, Zuko still feels at fault. He knows his father is disappointed in him. Especially after the embarrassment that was the board meeting.

He let down the Huǒ name. Brought dishonor, and disrespect. He was a disgrace, his sister was perfect. She was going to take over the company..

Zuko looked down at his shoes. He started feeling self conscious..

Zuko was dressed in a thick black turtleneck , a large dark red-ish pink off the shoulder sweater, black jeans,  and black flats. To top it all off, a small flowercrown with red flowers laid comfortably on Zuko's head. Contrasting his deep black hair. It was a gift his mother gave to Azula but ended up in his possession.

Zuko clutched the strap of his bag and stepped into the school. He kept his gaze on the floor, only looking up to make sure he didn't run into anyone as he looked at the piece of paper with his schedule on it.

What he hated more was he had to move in the middle, (well not the middle but not the beggining,) of the year!!

He got to his first classroom and picked an empty seat and sat down. He started to really feel uncomfortable, he knew people where staring at him.. At his crown! At his.. Scar..

"Everyone settle down, we have a new student as most of you know. Come up here and introduce yourself" the teacher said, everyone in the classroom got quiet as Zuko stood up and slowly walked to the front of the classroom.

"u-um.. Hello.. My name is Zuko.. Zuko Huǒ.. I.. Uh.. Just moved here.. Nice to meet you.. Yeah.. " Zuko spat out quickly, bowing. Everyone stared.

"Like Ozai Huǒ?? The owner of Fire Lord Industries??" one kid yelled. Zuko swallowed thickly as more questions piled up. It wasn't until the words, How did you get your scar? did Zuko quickly move over to his seat as the teacher told the class to quiet.

First period was rather easy, when he got to his second period he did his little introduction and sat down.

"okay, so we're going a group project. I am assigning partners. Since we now have Mr. Huǒ in our classroom we have even amount of students. I will be assigning pairs."

The teacher started listing off the pairs, "And Aang, you can be with Zuko"

Zuko looked around and saw a short boy with a wide happy smile. He was wearing a beanie but he could tell he was bald underneith. He was wearing a large hoodie with a blue arrow and a few swirl designs. He did a little bounce as he walked.

"Hi!! I'm Aang! Nice to meet you!!" he said with a wide smile.

"um...hi.. " Zuko mumbled in response, he didn't know how this kid was so friendly and forward, but it wasn't a skill that Zuko had.

Once everyone was sat with their partners, the teacher gave them their assignment. They had to write an assay about the elements. Fun.

He found out that Aang was really into the spirit world, fictional beasts and the elements. It sounding more fun when Aang spoke so passionately about them than the boring website they where looking at.

He and Aang exchanged numbers so they could talk and parted ways, he had gym class next, one of his least favourite classes.

He was fit, sort of. He was quite thin but we'll built from sports. He got into the gym uniform and lined up with the rest of the class. The teachers didn't ask for an introduction, and Zuko was thankful.

From what he knew, the school didn't really have a school uniform. The school was big on self expression so they let it slide, they still had gym uniforms and uniforms for certain electives but you could dress how you wanted as long as it followed the dress code. And to be fair, the dress code was easy as well, just come to school in clothes that don't completely show your bare ass and tits and you'll be fine. No vulgar language on clothes and no gore. That was it.

Zuko was quite relived he didn't have to worry about uniform, he hated them. At his old school they where big on school uniforms, to be fair it was a private academy and this was a public highschool.

He was again, quite relived. The school colours where blue and yellow, vibrant colours. At his old school, the colours where orange and grey. Everything was grey, it was horrible.

When it was lunch time, zuko didn't know where to sit so he decided to go outside. He didn't know what he was gonna do other than, eat.

"Zuko!!!" he heard a voice, it was Aang. He turned around and saw the boy smiling widely. Standing next to him where four other people, a tall dark skinned boy with darker hair tied back into a ponytail, a girl that looked like the boy, with long braided hair with weird hair loop things, a shorter but broad girl with bangs in her eyes, and a taller girl with shorter brown hair.

"hi" Zuko mumbled, setting down his apple. He wasn't sure why Aang was speaking to him, where they friends?? No? He didn't have a clue.

"I have to go, " Zuko said softly, not wanting to make any friends. His highschool year would go by faster if he just focused on his studies. He barely got out of middle school.

Zuko was a second year, he had one more years before he could go to college and become the robot business man his father always wanted, he had to try.

Zuko stood up and walked into the school again, lunch ended and he want to his final classes. He just had to complete this year with perfect grades. He had to show his father he wasn't disgraceful. He wasn't.

If he had to go the year lonely to prove so. He would.

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