Chapter 9

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okay... I know this book is not making sense but please bear with me. Thanks. P.s @asia134 and @TrendySpiffyThug13 I'm sorry that you guys aren't very active in the story I shall try to get you guys more involved.


Justin's P.O.V-

We turned around to see Daniel, Jacob and RayRay, who were holding hands holding hands- WAIT! Why they holdin hands wtf?!

Princeton P.O.V-

I looked to see that Jacob and my supposed best friend Ray holding hands. WTF?!

"Why were you guys..... K-kissing?" Daniel asked sounding heart broken.

"We-" but Daniel cut him off.

He started to cry and ran off to God knows where.

"Pause... WHY IN THE LIVING HELL IS Y'ALL HOLDING HANDS?! KNOW WHAT, FUCK IT! JACOB WE OVER! Thinkin' you can sneak around with this HOE Ray...." I was beyond pissed.

"Man whatever... Ray sexier then yo monkey lookin' ass anyway!" He yelled walked away with that traitor Ray with him.

I started to cry and I felt Justin wrap his arms around me. I started to calm doen a littile bit.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah... Why did you kiss me?" I asked looking up at him.

He smiled softly and responded,"I only dated KayKay because I wanted to know if I actually liked boys... I bullied you to get the fellings to go away and they didn't... That song I was playing... I-I wrote for you... Then when I saw you come down here... I kinda just... kissed you."

"soo... all the times you were being an ass to me it was because you liked me?" I asked.

"Kinda..." He said looking down, "but I wanna change... Can we atleast have another chance?"

I sighed not knowing what to do.... That was basically the same shit my ex gave me..... It's my ex's fault that Justin and basically everyone started hating me.


I was over my boyfriends house with my head in his lap and his hands running through my hair.

"I love you." He said smiling

"I love you too." I smiled.

"Babe?,,," I said as he looked down.

"don't you think it's time for us to ya know... come out to the school.." I said looking up at him hopefully.

"whatever you think is the best babe."

At that time, I was one of the most popular kids in school.

*next day*

I got up and couldn't find my boyfriend so I just decided to do it myself. I screamed and I had all eyes on me. I was about to say what I had to say. Then..... My boyfriend busted through the door. I told everyone that was my boyfriend... But he denied me.

"I ain't yo boyfriend fag! What the fuck?! You fantasize about me or something." He said laughing along with everyone.

**Flashback Over**

Daniel P.O.V-

I ran out of the school crying. Why would Justin do that?! I may or may not have a tiny crush on Justin... I kept running with my head down until I ran into someone. I fell flat on my ass and it hurt like hell! I looked up to see the sexiest person ever! He was skin, with green eyes and dimples.

"Oh my god! I'm soo fucking sorry... UGH I'm so damn clumsy. Are you okay? Did I hurt you really bad? Is your butt okay? Why are you crying?...." The person that I ran into rambled on and on after helping me up.

"It's okay. Yes I'm fine, no you didn't hurt me, and yes my ass is fine. Thank you...." I answered wiping my hands on my jeans.

"Chartez..... My names Chartez"

"My names Daniel... but Thank you Chartez." I smiled.

"um... if you don't mind me asking, Why were you crying?" He asked looking down.

"The person I loved the most broke my heart..." I said as a few more tears spilled out of my eyes.

"I could fix it..." I heard him mumble.

"What was that?" I asked.

"nothing! um... I probably should be getting home. Here." He said handing me a peice of paper walking away.

I looked at the paper and saw :

Call me



I looked up to see him walking away and DAMN he got a fat ass.

Ray P.O.V-

i really didn't want Princeton to find out about us like that. Me and Jacob walked down the street hand in hand until I heard someone scream my name.


I turned around and saw my old best friend Asia.

"Asia?!" I screamed, letting go of Jacob's hand and hugging Asia.

We heard Jacon clearing his throat and we turned towards him.

"babe, this is my best friend Asia.. Well used to be best friends before I moved." I told him.

"Hello Asia.. I'm Jacob.. Ray's Boyfriend" Jacob said kinda glaring at her.

Asia didn't notice and continued smiling.

"I'm Asia... Ray's best friend." She said smiling brightly, " well I have to get home... Here's my number. By Ray" she said handing me s piece of paper.

"Bye Asia,' I said.

Jacob grabbed my arm and dragged me down the street... What the hell is his problem?!

Justin P.O.V-

(Sorry for all the switching)

I looked at Jacob for his answer. I really don't want to rush into a relationship. My last relationship (before KayKay) was with a guy. He was sweet at first... Then became a complete and utter ass. He abused me mentally, physically, emotionally and verbally. He almost killed me until I called the cops and moved away. i felt tears sting my eye and instantly Princeton looked concerned.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," i lied," just fine"


Okay guys. I'm sorry for all the P.O.V changing but I ran out of ideas. I know its confusing and it sucks but I really wanted to update like I promised. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Love you guys so frickin' much for putting up with my craziness. Hope you have the best day ever. If your not with fam, then read my books and maybe they'll make you smile.

Okay. It's like 4:15 am. I gotta go.



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