The Mikeying

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It had been 5 years since Mikey had worked at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria as a pizza stripper. Since then, Mikey had run a bouncy house business called Bounce Kingdom, which had bounced its way into bankruptcy.

So Mikey came back because he needed more money to pay off his millions of dollars in bank loans spent on gamer girl piss, and Pizza Hut wouldn't hire him again after the "white sauce" pizza incident, so Freddy's was the only option if he didn't want to be somebody's little bitch in prison.

He decided to work the night shift since he wanted to see what would happen if he got really fucking baked while watching the animatronics turn his ass into banana bread, and brought with him what he called his special "Quaker Weed," which was basically just Granola bars with a holy metric fuck ton of pot crammed in em.

So, Mikey got inside his car, which was a eye-raping neon pink Volkswagen Beetle that ran on graham crackers and box tops, and drove to Freddy's at 96 mph, using only his internal gps to guide his kindred spirit along his journey.

Mikey finally arrived around 11:49 after he had hit 4 lamp posts, 3 protesting hippies, 2 old ladies, an Applebee's ordering sign, and a partridge in a pear tree. He got out of his car, which was mostly red from all the blood of his victims along the road, and screamed:


He was covered in shards of glass and old lady toes, and was bleeding blue blood because Mikey is secretly a smurf called Horny Smurf.

He proceeded to enter the building, shitting his pants until his britches were throughly soiled, with the scent following him like a mouse on rotten dick cheese. He opened the doors to the hallowed halls of Freddy Fucknuts' Pizzeria and walked inside...

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