Chapter Three

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After the school day ended and everyone was allowed to roam, Stacia and Beau decided to take Kate and Adam to go get some dinner. Before they left, Stacia had pulled Jasper to the side and asked if she could help Diane and Noah study for an upcoming exam. Jasper reluctantly said yes and by some miracle, she managed to drag Noah and Diane to the library. She may have tricked the two by promising food, but she figured that they would forget by the time they got to the library. Long story short; they did not.

"What?" Noah exploded in anger.

Everyone in the library turned to look at them as Jasper winced and motioned for Noah to sit back down. "Dude, chill out! I'm sorry I don't have any food. I just didn't know what else to say that would get you two down here willingly."

Noah furiously threw his hood over his head and crossed his arms, turning away from Jasper. Jasper sighed and looked over at Diane, who was giving Jasper an annoyed look. "Diane... please...?"

Diane sighed and sat up straight. She reached over and pulled Noah's hood down. He whipped his head around to glare at Diane, so she punched him on the shoulder. "Come on emo. Let's get this over with."

Jasper mouthed a 'thank you' and Diane waved it off. Jasper knew she would have to owe Diane back at some point, but chose to not worry about it at the time. 

They managed to get two hours of study time in before Noah ditched. Jasper felt like that was enough of an accomplishment and started packing her things a few minutes after Noah left. Diane did the same and the two walked out of the library.

Normally by this time, all the kids would start heading to their rooms for the night. So the hallway was crowded. Jasper looked over the sea of kids and asked, "We risking it?"

Diane looked to the left, then to the right, and nodded. "Yep. Let's roll."

Jasper followed Diane through an opening in the herd and followed the current. Luckily, most of the kids seemed to be going in the direction of Jasper's room. Unluckily, that was the complete opposite direction of Diane's room.

Diane growled under her breath and said, "Why are there so many goddamn kids in the hallway!"

"Because we're all heading off to bed."

"I get that smart ass! I mean, why do they all have to be going that way? It'll take me five to ten minutes to get back to my room at this rate!"

Jasper looked down at her watch and looked back up after reading the time. "It's almost eight. The mass of kids should die down soon..."

Jasper faded off as she spotted platinum silver hair through the crowd. She looked closer, and froze when she saw a young man wearing sunglasses walking in their direction. Diane stopped as well, confused. She saw the man as well, and looked at Jasper, clearly wondering if she needed to start a fight. The man glanced at Jasper once, and bumped her shoulder as he walked past. Jasper stumbled back from the force and looked back, watching him walk away. Diane watched the man walk away as well, and asked, "Who the hell was that? I've never seen him around before. His hair looks kinda weird, you think he had the same accident you did?"

Jasper continued staring at the man and grimaced. "I don't know. But he's someone who hasn't been around in years."

Jasper could see Diane look at her in confusion out of the corner of her eye, and silently hoped that Diane wouldn't ask questions. Luckily, Diane shook her head and hit Jasper lightly on the shoulder. "Well, looks like the herd died down. I'll see ya tomorrow I guess."


Jasper waved bye to Diane and headed to her room. She walked through the hallway, passing the closing doors as kids locked themselves in their rooms for the night. She reached the last door at end of the hallway and took out her key card. She pressed the bar code against the scanner and typed in the code on the keypad. The screen turned green and beeped, allowing Jasper to open the door to her room.

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