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"I know one." I hissed as I end the call.

I'm as upset as a hungry street cat being picked on when I'm being waken up to sleep by whatever external force and this time — it's a mad phone call. I'm not into the alarm culture for a reason, I better be late and show up in a good mood than being an early bird to only  be tagged as someone who woke up at the wrong side of the bed.

I have no choice but to get up in my bed because im the type that once I have my eyes wide awake there'll be no turning back to slumber and I have some urgent errands that I commit to go to. Well, what I took is just an afternoon nap that we call "Siesta", it is already a culture we have in the Philippines which I was originally born in.

Im a pure blooded Filipino so I also have the typical characteristics of being one. My eyes are brown and so is my skin, mind you there's no hint from me being ashamed on having it. For one, I looked more attractive having my skin tanned-like than it being pale so.

I already sat at the edge of my bed as I blindly seek my room slippers by my feet. Now that I find it, I stood up and slide both my whole foot in. I walked to the bathroom and did the usual hygiene routine.

It's really cool to play spot the difference when you are in a new place. But there's nothing much difference to spot on here since the bathroom that I am in is Westernized in which all features were as familiar as what I used to see back from the Philippines.

You heard that right, I am out of the country. That screams privilege as if what I do is to travel. I hope that it really was what I came here for but I was out of luck. Life says you cant have it all because I am far from being born crazy rich as some fortunate Asians were dubbed as.

I was done with stuffs I do inside the bathroom so I get off there. I picked my phone from where I put it the last time then, I opened the scanner application that translate Japanese characters into English. I get something unfamiliar out of the cabinet where I stock my goods in. I picked out a cup noodles which brand is my first time to encounter with then, I scanned down the non-english parts.

Weird of me to do that because I dont do it for safety, I am not that cautious looking over if the food expires because the date are printed just like the normal numbers we universally understand and not in Japanese numbers that they have on their own. I am just interested to what things I let myself dig in, all those details as small as it may seem amuses me.

On the otherhand, it is not so weird to have done that because I am in Japan! I still can't believe that the possessive word I used and Japan could be seen in a single sentence. I am still in high with the idea, a dream that I shouldn't be ever waken up to. Damn, thanks to luck because everything felt real now, it's not just merely an idea nor a dream. Japan is really my dream destination and I know that I am with the majority. You let people choose a country they wanted to be a part of and Japan would be an easy Top 3.

But I dont expect everything to be perfect as I had it on my mind, I have also manage my expectations but Japan doesn't know how to disappoint. Technologies? Yes. Cleanliness? Double Check. Quality of Life? Food? It's People? So far all the said fine sides a one good standard country should possess were all checked out. Maybe the fact that I came from a Third World Territory made me overwhelmed to awesomeness that a First World Country could offer.

When I am done reading nonsense from the cup design I peel off it's cover and I have gone over to the water dispenser in which I got the hot water that would boil the strips of noodles inside. Noodles and breads are big part of Japan's culture unlike in ours that as long as we have rice on the food table we're already set off from having a good meal.

But even with that food lifestyle we're still not excused from this "eating-noodles-phenomenon" since the local viand from Philippines also served variety of noodle dishes. Mine and every Filipino household's favorite is  called as Pancit Canton which is one of the cheapest instant noodle. I miss eating one,  I can't remember when is the last time it had me full.

I can still recall in our history class that our country was once colonized by Japan during World War 2 so the possibility of them introducing noodles to us was quite high. Contrary to that fact most restaurants that has noodles being their mere dish were Chinese ones so I guess it's really China who have brought it in Philippines.

The Filipino in me made me look unconsciously for spoon rather than chopsticks that locals here often used. I have already hold chopsticks before but honestly I dont have an idea how to use it. I once again open the lid of the cup noodles' cover since the time I set to myself waiting for it being cooked and ready was I guess enough.

Before I slurp the steamy food down, I picked my phone and browse an anime to watch while I am eating. Though, I grew up in the Philippines it didn't stop me to watch animated series that Japan produces. It do brings memory from my childhood, I remember that I badly want to find a digimon partner then, we'll kick ass. The anime I choose to watch is a Ghilbi Film that I haven't yet seen.

I lift the cup noodle and I consume some. Now,  block everything. Watching anime is as sacred as praying is to me.

Minutes later a text popped up from an unknown number. "Have you already gone to the said someone you've mentioned?" Shit. I forgot the main reason why I get off the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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