the explanation

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Jimin dragged Tae's ass to a nearby table, where Jin and Hobi were sat, before looking him dead in the eyes.

Jin looked at them both, confused at the clear tension.

"Care to explain, Tae?" Jimin asked, face filled with 'seriousness'.

Taehyung looked at he floor all flustered, remembering the moment that happened just a few moments ago.

Jin, still hella confused, looked between the two before gasping and turning to Hobi "Did they fuck?!"

"Wha the fuck is wrong with you Hyung!" Hobi said flicking Jin's forehead before looking at the two boys who held shook expressions. "Please, proceed." 

"Right, well Taehyung here is needing to tell you guys about his little rendezvous with Jeon Jeon-fucking-Gguk" Jimin says creating a tense atmosphere.

"Well I may have been a little far off" Jin says chuckling at himself a little.

"Yeah, but this is unexpected as, please care to explain."

The next half of break was spent with Taehyung explaining the whole situation, after a while the boys changed topic and Jin took out his phone asking the boys for a selca for his thirsty fans.

They spent around 5 minutes messing around in front of his camera before they got stopped by a low cough. They all whipped their heads around before looking back at each other, each of them having a slow understanding, before they all did a double take.

There Jeongguk was, standing with a paper bowl which had pancakes in and whipped cream, not to mention the slices of strawberries, eager to let go of the bowl. He shoved it into Taehyung's hand before stating  "You said you missed breakfast or whatever, just- don't do that. It's the most important meal of the day." He turned to Hoseok raising his eyebrows a little in surprise before nodding at the other, to show he recognised him - which was obviously returned, and he turned to leave.

"Wait! Thank you." Taehyung said pulling him into a quick hug. Leaving Jeongguk a little flustered before regaining confidence.

"It wasn't any bother anyway" he replied then left. Leaving a whole lot of confused faces staring, at his back as he strolled away carelessly.


@youjustgotsHipPEd just tweeted!

in honour of me and my wattpad ogs getting eachothers contacts

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in honour of me and my wattpad ogs getting eachothers contacts

is he ,, flirting?

[m'kay that all for now!]
bye bbies!

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