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My name is Giulia and I am a dear. One day I downloaded a program for video editing and I created a video just for fun. So I thought post it on Wattpad, to show it to more people.

I want to update every week. I won't post only my videos, because I need more time to finish a video. So I'll post also funny and curious videos from other YouTube channels (there are English subtitles, don't worry).

I want to thank . With you, I found someone to share my passion with. You don't know how much important you are ♥   I advertise your story, it's called "Il meglio di Dimash", it includes his songs with a personal comment and a technic analysis. Her story shows Dimash on stage, mine too, but with the addition of "behind the scenes" and other funny things. Let's say that hers is a "serious" story, mine a little less ahah.

At the same time, I'll publish the same story in Italian. I would appreciate a vote there too ; )

I hope it will be interesting and that it will make this extraordinary singer (as well as wonderful person) famous also in Italy. Happy reading (or rather, viewing)!

Dimash: an angel on Earth (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now