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Hoshi POV
Woozi and I were talking at the café when he suddenly asked
"The rest are telling me to bring you to the company. Do you want to?"
I thought about it when I remembered that I told Minghao that I'll help him with the choreography. Without thinking much I replied , "Sure"

Time skip brought to you by wonwoo's tracksuit

We arrived at Pledis entertainment and just when I was about to follow Woozi in, the security guard stopped me.

"HEY! STOP THERE! You're not allowed to be here!"
The security guard grabbed me so hard my wrist was starting to bruise. I let out a whimper and Woozi turned around to see what's happening.

"He's with me" Woozi stayed with his words lacing with venom and looks that could kill. He glared at the security guard as the security guard apologised to me.

When the security guard left, Woozi came to me and worriedly asked "Are you alright Hosh? I'm so sorry about that." Why is he apologising? It's not his fault.
"It's fine. The bruise isn't that bad and it's not you're fault."

He was about to say something but I cut him off "Let's get going?" I asked trying to change the topic.
He nodded and I followed him in .

We got to the 4th floor and went into what looked like a dance studio. "Their all trying to figure out a choreography for the new comeback. Maybe you could help?" Woozi asked giving me to puppy eyes. How could I resist that?

"Alright I'll see what I can do." I said and he opened the door as we walked in.

Inside, there was Minghao trying to figure out the choreography and Blue Ash trying to help. They haven't noticed us. I watched them go through the parts that were already done and an idea came into my head.

"How about you guys do this?" I asked as they all turned to me shocked.

"Soonyoung? You came!" Minghao said as he came over to me.

"Yep I did! Woozi said y'all needed help. I watched the choreography just now and I have an idea."

"That's amazing!" Vernon beamed

After showing them what I thought, they all looked at me (jung)shook.

"How did you think of that?" Seungcheol asked

"Is it ok?" I asked worried.

"Ok? NO IT'S NOT" Mingyu screamed

I got shocked and looked down about to apologise.

"IT'S NOT OK IT'S PERFECT!!!" Mingyu added

I looked up again pouting wanting to make him stop laughing . Woozi saw and said "Mingyu, before I get the guitar.."

"Babe you better run" Wonwoo laughed.

I was confused. Babe?
"Babe? You mean Wonwoo and Mingyu are dating?"

They all suddenly became silent.

"Erm.. yeah.. you don't mind that all of us here are gay right?" Vernon asked

"No I'm completely fine with it!"

"Anyway Soonyoung! Let's go talk to the CEO about you and you're friends joining in helping me." Minghao said "Oh and just call me Myungho or The8"

I smiled and replied "Just call me Hoshi"

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