Fairy Tales Are False Hope!

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Michael was sitting in a library doing some reading for the test he had to do. Even though he had dropped out of school to pursue a career with his band, he still wanted to get his HSC. To feel like he actually accomplished something academically, plus his mother Karen kept badgering him to take it. So he agreed, and had been studying like crazy whilst he had some time off from touring with the band. He was more focused on school work now than he ever was, it was really strange actually.

After two hours of studying straight, he wanted to take a break. He needed a distraction, that's when he first noticed the girl sitting opposite him. He thought striking up a conversation with her would be the best way to distract himself from the work for a little while.

"What are you reading?" Michael asked the girl sitting opposite him in the library.

"Cinderella" the girl responded "just another stupid fairy tale, giving girls false hope" she added.

Michael raised his pierced brow "what do you mean by false hope?" he questioned, genuinely interested in what her answer would be. Most girls he knew loved fairy tales, but she didn't. It was very odd to him.

"Well they make girls think that they will find prince charming, and be saved by this handsome stranger who they instantly fall in love with, and then they marry the love of their life. They barely know each other yet they are each other's love, life doesn't work like that. A guy isn't going to come riding in on a horse and rescue you from the cruel world, and nobody gets a happily ever after" she stated firmly. Very adamant that her opinion was fact.

"Isn't the point of a fairy tale, to show that no matter how bad things are you will end up happy? You will find love in the unlikeliest places and in the unlikeliest people? That you can find happiness no matter what? That in the end things will be better?" Michael questioned.

"I guess, but still girls believe they will be saved by a handsome stranger and fall madly in love and get married and live happily ever after. I'm sorry but the world doesn't work like that" she said. "I mean Cinderella, was a maid for her mother and step sisters, her mother was cruel and then along comes a fairy godmother and makes her a fancy dress and she goes off to a ball and meets the Prince, and he searches for her because she lost her shoe and then they get married. They don't even know each other, how could they possibly marry each other?" she questioned. "And what about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. A killer cannot go through with his orders, so she sneaks off into the woods, lives with seven strangers that could possibly be murders yet she doesn't think about that, and they willingly let her into their home. Then she eats a poisoned apple and falls into a death like sleep and is awakened by a Prince's kiss and they marry" she continued on stating how things in fairy tales just weren't plausible. "I mean it's a little twisted, and still the couple gets married without even knowing each other, and true loves first kiss? How could it be true love between two strangers? It just simply isn't plausible." She firmly stated "things like that don't happen in real life, yet girls think they do. They are blinded with false hope simply for a few words written on a piece of paper. It's a little stupid and sad if you ask me" she said.

"I guess what you say is true, but tell me....Do you believe everyone has a soul mate and people can find true love, and live happily together?" he questioned.

"No i don't think so. I mean people get married and are happy, but then they get divorced. Vows are no longer sacred anymore. Love is simply a word, just a formality now" she said "do you?"

Michael nodded "yes I believe everyone has a soul mate, and can find true love and live a happy life together" he replied.

"You're a fool" she laughed. "Anyway I'd better go, I have an essay to write" she exclaimed before getting up from her seat. "I guess I'll see you around" she said.

"Yeah see you around" he replied "wait what's your name?" He asked quickly.
"Nicole" she said.
"I'm Michael" he replied before turning his attention back to his books.

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