Judges: stbunnicula & NividhaRajan
First Place:
Title: Searching For Chi by CassandraHW
TOTAL: 97.5/100
Review: This is a wonderful story with unique characters and a superb plot. This remindes me of the anime "Anohana" but with a twist. There are little to none grammatical mistakes and I enjoy your story a lot!
Second Place:
Title: The Case Puzzle by bowdownpeasantz
TOTAL: 95/100
Review: This has a fresh view on the legal world with a lowly paralegal taking the risk. The scenes are vividly descripted and the plot is very thrilling. Keep up the good work!
Third Place:
Title:Caine Diaries by AspireNat
TOTAL: 91/100
Review: I love how there's a journal entry in almost every chapters. The descriptions are crystal clear and easy to read yet, I don't feel much impact in every end of the chapter, resulting to a deduction to the personal enjoyment. But keep up and keep writing!
Fourth Place:
Title: Frozen Grimoire: Paroxysm Blasphemy by A_K_Villanueva
TOTAL: 90.5/100
Review: I could say this is a complex book (in a good way) with anime vibes to it (because of the cover). The plot is great and all but the abrupt stops on your writing style struggles me to read. However, your vocabulary is very rich and it gives a unique and mystical aura to your story.
Gem-ers Awards: We appreciate you all for entering your books, even if your book isn't one of the winners, we know you are all winners and you just got an opportunity to improve your writing. The next edition will be open soon, your book can be one of the winners too!
A big thank you to @stbunnicula and @NividhaRajan for the judging and Congratulations to the winners. Judges and Winners, Pm this account with your emails for the sticker.
Other prizes will follow as soon as the awards is closed. Thank you and congratulations!
The Gem-ers Awards 2020
RandomOpen {} Judging {} Closed {💎} The Award is closed for judging, Wait for the second edition if you couldn't enter this time. You're a Gem!