Dysania, Teens, and Morning Issues

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It's the sound I hear every morning. Every morning it's the same noise. The noise that forces me out of my precious and relaxing state known as sleep. The noise that tells me to get my ass out of bed and prepare myself for a new day. Oh how I loathe the beeping noise...

Hi, I'm Megan. Megan Charlotte Harris is my full name. I'm 15 years old and live in a suburb in Connecticut.

Let me tell you something: I, like other people (teens especially), have this thing called Dysania. If you don't know what that is, it's being in a state where you find it hard to get out of bed in the morning. Yeah, chances are almost everyone I know has it. Most people probably aren’t even aware that they have it.

The thing with me is that if I wake up early, even if it's just 5 minutes, I refuse to get out of bed. I just fall back asleep. With most people, if they wake up 5 minutes early, they just get out of bed and start their day: 5 minutes early. But my Dysania is pretty bad. Because if I don't get out of bed, I procrastinate, and eventually never get out of bed until I feel like I got all the sleep I need, which means I usually (on weekends and holidays) end up getting out of bed at 3:20 p.m. Then I'll go to bed 'round 11:30, and the cycle starts all over again.

 There was this one morning in particular where I procrastinated so much; I was almost late for school. Doesn't sound very exciting or original, but it's the events that happened that morning that made it a morning I won't soon forget...or want to repeat.

Monday, March 19th        6:30 a.m.


I slapped my hand down on the top of the alarm clock which stood on my coral-pink night stand next to my bed. I opened my left eye slowly to check the time. 6:30 a.m. 

"Jeez that's so early!" I mumble. I hit the snooze button, and in no time at all, I fell asleep again. 



The beeping continues and before long, it drives me absolutely insane. I sat up straight and made a fist with my right hand; ready to bring it down as hard as I could on top of my alarm clock. But something stopped me from doing that. Right before my fist made any contact with the clock, I realized how much time had passed since I last checked. 7:45 a.m.! I was stunned! I overslept by 45 minutes! Usually I'd be brushing my teeth and getting ready to leave at 7:45! Only a while later did I actually register someone yelling my name from downstairs. It was mom! She had no clue that I'd just woken up and she couldn't find out either. 

Whenever I wake up extremely late on a school day, and there's hardly any time to get ready, I just don't bother going to school at all. Don't worry, I hardly wake up SO late that I just stay home and skip school. 

But that day I could not, under any circumstances, skip school. Because that day I had to do an oral presentation in Spanish class with my best friends Justin and Mackenzie. The two main reasons I could not miss this presentation were:

A) Justin and Mackenzie are my two bestest friends EVER and I couldn't leave them to do this on their own

B) My Spanish teacher, Ms. Gomez, already hates me because I never pay attention in class and because I once (accidentally) made her spill coffee over her brand new iPhone and all over her favorite shirt and jeans.

My mom was still calling my name.

"MEGAN! MEGAAANN! Breakfast is ready come on! You're going to be late if you don't come downstairs NOW!"

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