Part 4 a new group mission

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They traveled back to the village t collect their reward and get a new mission they walked into the office and he said"ẅelcome back did you destroy the camp?¨ ¨yes we did¨ender did not mention the ax when she explained how it went ¨good¨he handed them the bag of gold ¨do you want another mission ?¨ ¨yah¨ Nala responded ¨alright, this time I'm sending you on a mission with some of my solders your mission is to raid a temple with them split the treasure however just get rid of it¨ they nodded and walked out of his office took a day to rest and went to the meeting place there were about 10 soldiers waiting by the gate all humans when the three arrived they left the town 

That night when they sat by the fire with the drunk soldiers on one side and them on the other one of the soldiers asked ¨so you Dragonborn eh?¨ ¨yah and¨ ender responded cautiously ¨you here that boys? we have a dragon on our side what a relief ¨he half laughed half sneered the guys laughed at the comment and ender wasn't happy ¨so yeah I'm a dragon that doesn't give you the right to make fun of me¨ the soldier responded in a mocking voice "oh on the dragon is threatening  me¨ ender growled and got up ¨I'm going to bed¨¨ where your lair?¨ the others burst out laughing and she angrily walked to her tent  

the next day ender woke up to fighting when she peeked outside there was a battle she got dressed and joined it only her Nala and Arial survived the battle everyone else was killed after they buried them they decided to go on the mission alone instead of going back and telling the captain what happened

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