Will you be my Girlfriend?

21 2 0

..... And many more

End of flashback

??: Hey cutie answer me 🙈

Roshh: hey Hyunjin 👋

??: Oh my gOd. Finally.

I quickly saved his name in my contacts.

Hyunjinnie💕 : are u back home safely?

Roshh: yes jinnie

Hyunjinnie💕 : awe so cute 🙈 you gave me a nickname. Btw can we video call each other if you're not busy?

Roshh: yes sure ❤

Within seconds I got a video call notification from Hyunjinnie💕

On call:

H: hey are you sleepy? He chuckled.

R: yeah maybe. Idk



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H: you look cute when you're sleepy

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H: you look cute when you're sleepy.

R: really? Idk how I look 😂

*Time Skip to nearly the end of Video call

H: cutie will you like to go out with me tomorrow?

R: where to?

H: at the park

R: okay 🤗 time? Place?

H: 7pm in the evening? City park

R: alright jinnie

H: okay cutie I really need to sleep now i have been dancing and rapping all day. So bye see you tomorrow 😘 ❤.

R: bye bye jinnie👋❤

Video call ends

I was really happy. I was so lucky. Actually I'm an ot9 Stan by Woojin left 😟.
I was really hoping to meet Hyunjin tomorrow.

I kept my phone aside and left it to charge as I drifted off to sleep

Next day...

As usual I woke up hesitantly at the monstrous alarm. Ugh.
I got up and did all the bathroom stuffs and came down to kitchen to cook the breakfast.
I was living alone as my parents were overseas for business matters.
I made myself some bread and cheese.(that's all I know how to cook)

HYUNJIN- Nae Sarang ❤ DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now